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Everything posted by travisura

  1. I'm not gonna have my day ruined if we don't get my preferred guys. This is entertainment, after all.
  2. Well we shall see. And like I said, if we pick him, I'll behind him 100%, same as all the other prospects.
  3. That's true. But if it comes down to two QBs who have footwork and accuracy issues and one of them is a freak athlete and one isn't, I'm taking the freak athlete.
  4. Speaking only for myself, I just can't shake the feeling that he's Zach Wilson 2.0. From what I've seen, his footwork and accuracy leave much to be desired. I could very well be wrong, and if we draft him, I'd be rooting for him all the way, but nonetheless I'd still be disappointed on drafting Levis and missing out on the other three.
  5. This may be true, but I'm just reading the room here and it seems most would be disappointed.
  6. I think you might be understating how many people would be disappointed with Levis, and overstating how many people don't care which one of the top 4 we end up taking.
  7. Moving up to 3 just to take Levis is going to be the wettest of blankets on the excitement this coaching staff has produced.
  8. What are the odds that this is just about the new Thursday night helmet change that the NFL is doing now. This would be the equivalent of him tweeting “Mayte black helmets ” last year.
  9. He said this to make one specific huddler's head explode.
  10. It's no different than discussing a hypothetical. This is the offseason, there's not exactly content growing on trees at the moment. And we don't even know for sure if the story is fake yet.
  11. Lmao my dude I'm not pissed off, I don't care one way or the other if this story is true or not. We're not getting Rodgers either way. I'm just commenting on your immediate push to disprove the narrative.
  12. You're the only one raising a stink about this not occurring. Perhaps you don't like the idea so you're holding on to the possibility that it's not true?
  13. Orrrrr they just both watched the Schefter segment and tweeted it out? Idk why you're getting so defensive about this.
  14. I'm sure we're inquiring about every QB with a pulse that might be available. This is a whole lotta nothin and definitely not something to get worked up over.
  15. Well, it was to OP as well as all the other folks in here who are adamant he's a good QB that just hasn't had the right circumstances. It probably is just a vocal few who believe he should be starting. But I don't even think he's adequate to be a bridge vet. But I suppose reasonable people can disagree on that point.
  16. I commented on a post where the OP compared Darnold to Jared Goff, and directly implied that he'd be good enough to lead a turn around, and potentially even a super bowl. This is not a monster of my own creation.
  17. Darnold is going into his 6th year. We know what he is, and what he is not. I cannot believe that folks *STILL* think he's the guy.
  18. How are we to know that this exact sentiment is not being expressed throughout the coaching staff? With all the offensive minds in the building I'm quite confident that they can also come to this conclusion on their own, without Orlovsky having to tell them.
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