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Posts posted by travisura

  1. 1 minute ago, The Lobo said:

    I know it’s not happening I’m just saying if it’s “top tier” like they are saying, then anything less would be a disappointment for sure. I don’t even think they should do the trade to begin with unless they trade burns 

    I agree. They need to take their lumps this year and attack the FA market during the offseason. These quick band-aid type moves keep digging us deeper and deeper into the hole.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, The Lobo said:

    Yes I know the chances aren’t good, I’m just saying if it’s not those two it’s a disappointment bc we have no picks to trade and the one player we do have, his value should get a player like adams or Diggs. I use them as an example bc there were reports those two were unhappy with their teams. 

    You better brace yourself for disappointment then if it's those two or bust.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Camp Fodder said:

    I know there is a lot of transplants in Charlotte, mostly northeast so I understand why there are a lot of Jets and Giants fans and Commanders and Steelers are close by. Why were there so many Viking fans there?  Did those people really come from a thousand miles away to watch their 0-3 team. I don’t think there are many NC residents from Minnesota 

    There are more than you'd think.

  4. 11 minutes ago, CamWhoaaCam said:

    Log off.


    I hate debating with people like this. We haven't won a single game since we hired Frank and this clown talking about its alright.


    You got fans who rather lose and be awful then be .500 and at least competitive to make the playoffs. Tepper brainwashed some of you people.

    The decision to move on from Wilks and the decision to hire Reich are two independent decisions, that can be individually weighed on their own merits. The decision to hire Reich has no bearing on the merits of moving on from Wilks. 

    I'm not going to relitigate the discourse from the offseason, but suffice it to say, I do not want to watch a season where our ceiling is aiming for .500 and maybe squeaking into the playoffs. I would much rather watch a team that is competing for the division and are a legit SB contender every year. We would not be that under Wilks.

    Now, Reich has not performed. That much is clear. If he can't produce a winning team then he deserves to be moved on from as well, but his performance is irrelevant to whether or not it was the right decision to move on from Wilks.

  5. 5 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    I honestly agree. There's nothing Bryce can do about his obvious physical limitations. Our talent evaluators made a terrible mistake. It's not Bryce's fault.

    I realize this is one of your numerous narratives that you have repeated and will repeat ad nauseum until the horse is well and truly dead, but I just don't understand how you can come away from watching these games with the main issue being Bryce's arm. It almost seems like you're not watching the games, you're just running with same easy narratives that have been lobbed to you like a softball. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, CRA said:

    We don’t just have 1 problem

    Bryce is limited.  Talent wise in the NFL. 

    Frank runs a horrible offense 

    and there are no studs on the roster that have the talent to overcome that marriage and just make something special happen out of nothing. 

    I submit that your reasons #2 and #3 are the root cause of why reason #1 appears to be the case.

  7. 18 minutes ago, RumHam said:

    posted this already but i think he was put in to longterm get this team to move elsewhere. i mean he did try the practice facility and maybe it wasn't on him, but all the owners don't want a team here so they put the one egostical asshole they knew would blow it up.

    Citation needed on all of this drivel lmao.

  8. 4 minutes ago, CanadianCat said:

    This was basically the strategy we had with Rhule. Teddy, Sam, Baker.. 


    Can you imagine the state of this place if we planned on rolling into the season with Dalton as our main starter? We had 3 straight seasons of "no retread QB" discourse, but now they're acting like that's what they would've preferred.

    • Pie 4
  9. I think at this point the best plan is to go balls to the wall in FA next offseason trying to get at minimum two new WRs who are WR #1-#2 quality. Use at least one day 2 pick on OL, and the rest of the picks on defense.

    We just have to hope that this season doesn't kill Bryce's confidence.

    Neither Reich nor Fitterer will be fired this offseason, so I see this as the most realistic pathway towards a better team.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, ForJimmy said:

    So let me try to understand again. Everything Reich has said about his ideal QB described Young. Young was also the top QB in this draft by a majority of analysts, BUT Reich really wanted another player and is now benching Young intentionally to show his good he (a seasoned HC with plenty of experience) is without Young????

    Welcome to the school of just making sh*t up and using that as the basis to make even more sh*t up. Brought to you by the Huddle mod team.

    • Pie 3
  11. 14 hours ago, Proudiddy said:

    I like how suggesting the injury isn't as severe as the team is suggesting is a conspiracy, though.  Literally every team has done it for various reasons.  And again, speculating such when he has shown no visible signs of the injury is reasonable.  Ankle injuries that are usually serious enough that you can't perform athletically typically present with visible signs.

    But, regardless, it's worth discussing every angle of possibility - we traded major capital and assets to acquire him and going on three weeks into this pairing of staff and QB, the results have been anything but good.

    Don't act like you weren't fully bought in on the theory that this was a fake injury conjured up to cover for the fact that the staff was already kicking Bryce to the curb. "Discussing every angle of possibility" my ass. 

    • Pie 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, stratocatter said:

    Why do you insist on using the word “vitriol” to characterize questioning arm strength, athleticism, you know… football things?

    Are people calling him a shrimp? A midget? On here ridiculing him for his haircut or something? That is vitriolic, I am not seeing any of that.

    And really if it is here it is so isolated you could personally police it as opposed to lumping every person with skepticism or negativity concerning the team’s future with this player, in with simple name callers. 

    I got vitriol for people who want to make me expressing my opinions about football in a civil way, personal. I admit that. No call for it. 

    Why don't you give the word "midget" a quick search and let me know what you find.

  13. 1 minute ago, frankw said:

    On the contrary. I expected a likely losing season again. I was sold that the trade was worth it because we would have a talented franchise QB to build around who in the meantime would be able to compensate to some degree for the lack of pieces around him because he was a "point guard" who could distribute the ball and make those around him better. What I've gotten instead is our rookie QB is the lowest rated in the league by PFF. It is not all on Bryce. But he's the signal caller and he's going to take a lot of the heat. Plenty of that heat should be going to Reich and Fitterer and moreso the Tepper's because I know they had a hand in steering the pick they might not have explicitly said draft him but when your boss clearly is in love with the prospect and he's constantly lurking around like Dracula what are you going to do? Back to Mingo. I'm expecting better from him but I'm sorry if I'm not angry about how he isn't A.J. Brown out of the gate but I wasn't sold on that with the pick. We knew he would be a work in progress and show some flashes in the meantime.

    It is entirely too early to make a determination on whether or not the trade was worth it. That's really all there is to say.


    P.S.: I agree about Mingo. I also realize that he's not going to be AJ Brown, especially after only 2 games. I just noticed how you took exception to a handful of comments about his poor performance so far (which weren't even mean spirited), but let slide the absolute poo slinging that Bryce has received since the first preseason game.

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