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Everything posted by travisura

  1. I agree. They need to take their lumps this year and attack the FA market during the offseason. These quick band-aid type moves keep digging us deeper and deeper into the hole.
  2. You better brace yourself for disappointment then if it's those two or bust.
  3. The decision to move on from Wilks and the decision to hire Reich are two independent decisions, that can be individually weighed on their own merits. The decision to hire Reich has no bearing on the merits of moving on from Wilks. I'm not going to relitigate the discourse from the offseason, but suffice it to say, I do not want to watch a season where our ceiling is aiming for .500 and maybe squeaking into the playoffs. I would much rather watch a team that is competing for the division and are a legit SB contender every year. We would not be that under Wilks. Now, Reich has not performed. That much is clear. If he can't produce a winning team then he deserves to be moved on from as well, but his performance is irrelevant to whether or not it was the right decision to move on from Wilks.
  4. I realize this is one of your numerous narratives that you have repeated and will repeat ad nauseum until the horse is well and truly dead, but I just don't understand how you can come away from watching these games with the main issue being Bryce's arm. It almost seems like you're not watching the games, you're just running with same easy narratives that have been lobbed to you like a softball.
  5. I submit that your reasons #2 and #3 are the root cause of why reason #1 appears to be the case.
  6. So we can get our ass handed to us by competent teams? No thanks. Moving on was the right call, even if the results aren't there yet this season.
  7. After 4 games, CJ Stroud has been anointed the Michael Jordan of football.
  8. Jesus Christ y'all are melodramatic and lame as hell. It's a football team not a life partner, you don't need to do all this corny, performative "commitment" drivel. No one cares if you decide to watch every game and spend your life savings doing so, and no one cares if you decide to never watch another Panthers game again.
  9. This is the Bears we're talking about here, you can't rely on them to make rational drafting decisions.
  10. Can't pick in the top 10 if you trade your first round pick lol
  11. Citation needed on all of this drivel lmao.
  12. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
  13. 3 firsts and a 3rd for Trey Lance. It will be a while before another trade that bad occurs. SF got bailed out by a good roster and getting lucky that their 7th round QB flyer turned out to be the guy.
  14. If you're gonna dedicate this much effort to hating Bryce you might want to get your facts straight so you can hate properly.
  15. Can you imagine the state of this place if we planned on rolling into the season with Dalton as our main starter? We had 3 straight seasons of "no retread QB" discourse, but now they're acting like that's what they would've preferred.
  16. I think at this point the best plan is to go balls to the wall in FA next offseason trying to get at minimum two new WRs who are WR #1-#2 quality. Use at least one day 2 pick on OL, and the rest of the picks on defense. We just have to hope that this season doesn't kill Bryce's confidence. Neither Reich nor Fitterer will be fired this offseason, so I see this as the most realistic pathway towards a better team.
  17. Thanks for sharing. All best wishes to your wife and the whole family. And Keep Pounding.
  18. Welcome to the school of just making sh*t up and using that as the basis to make even more sh*t up. Brought to you by the Huddle mod team.
  19. Don't act like you weren't fully bought in on the theory that this was a fake injury conjured up to cover for the fact that the staff was already kicking Bryce to the curb. "Discussing every angle of possibility" my ass.
  20. Why don't you give the word "midget" a quick search and let me know what you find.
  21. It is entirely too early to make a determination on whether or not the trade was worth it. That's really all there is to say. P.S.: I agree about Mingo. I also realize that he's not going to be AJ Brown, especially after only 2 games. I just noticed how you took exception to a handful of comments about his poor performance so far (which weren't even mean spirited), but let slide the absolute poo slinging that Bryce has received since the first preseason game.
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