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Posts posted by travisura

  1. 24 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Honestly the way I see it there seems to be a lot of folks who really bristle at encountering any differing opinion. When they do, that's all they can focus on. The thread is derailed. OMG, someone dared voice a differing opinion. I'm appalled. Then they complain for pages on end about how the thread has been derailed.... while actually actively derailing the thread.

    Newsflash, but it's possible for two reasonable people to watch the same exact thing and come away with differing opinions. And that's okay. What would be the point of a discussion if everyone agreed?

    That’s a lot of talk for someone who had a full on temper tantrum when one of your takes got pooed on

    • Flames 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, CRA said:

    I mean, there is optimism....and then are people who lecture and call out any post dares talk about the reality of a Ben McAdoo hire.  Or lecture you and post stalk for daring talk about the career of Miles Sanders or Frank Reich, and what essentially lead to them being here.   They go thread to thread and post to post defending the honor of everyone in blue and black. 

    but like I said, that largely is a before the season kicks off thing.

    there is nothing menacing about the "shadow group of huddlers" you reference.   They just exist from time to time.    

    iamhubby is an extreme version of it.  there are some more watered down versions and sure, you can cherry pick out a couple axes they might have to grind in their posts.  Absolutes almost never exist nor should that be how things are argued.  I mean, saying someone represents the positive only segment doesn't mean if you find a post where they weren't nice about something they don't represent that "group".  I mean, I'm a Matt Rhule hater.  But you can find a post of me defending him in handful of moments.  I'm still a hater.  Those posts don't change the blanket term someone throws at me. 

    I distinctly remember the vast majority being extremely underwhelmed at the "rockstar OC" McAdoo hire. 

    Also, there is a not-insignificant number of posters here who are constant doom and gloom during the offseason, and will incessantly mock anyone with optimism. Don't confuse complaints about these posters with "you're not allowed to say anything negative".

  3. 1 minute ago, raleigh-panther said:

    I’m glad you are a fan of soccer 

    It means nothing to me

    truthfully Raleigh. Cary. Chapel Hill are soccer hot beds and it would have been better if the owner of the hurricanes made the investment in pro soccer 

    he knows how to run a franchise and if MLB  comes to the Triangle, bad news for the Durham Bulls but that MLB team will be supported 

    for me, watching what  Tepper has done TO THE PANTHERS is putrid 

    I'm trying to tell you that as a fan of both the Panthers and CLTFC, I can see clearly which team Tepper favors, and unfortunately that team is the Panthers. 

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  4. Just now, raleigh-panther said:

    My heart just bleeds for them 

    who knows maybe his love of soccer will lead to his sale if the NFL team he has no clue how to run 

    I can tell you as a fan of CLTFC, that his ownership of that team is just as inept as it is of the Panthers. Only those who know nothing of the situation would claim that Tepper favors the soccer team more. He is 100% more invested in the Panthers, as evidenced with how hands-on he is. 

    • Pie 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Why is it that the fans who are trying to remain hopeful are so bothered by the frustrated fans? 

    If it's not working for you, no one is forcing you to hang around. I'm not judging you for your optimism. But the optimistic sure do seem to be getting increasingly judgemental.

    I don't know, you'll have to ask them. I held out hope longer than most here, but I'll be honest, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That doesn't change, though, the issue that some on here are being very annoying with their negativity. It's possible to right and annoying at the same time.

    I think also that sometimes nuanced takes that aren't 100% burn everything down get taken as though they're in full support of what's currently happening, and that is very frustrating.


  6. 14 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Then what exactly do you mean?

    It just seems like the people wanting to remain hopeful have simply redirected their ire at the fans who are disgusted with what they're seeing 

    My initial response to ForJimmy was me speculating as to why people seem to be leaving this site. The most miserable voices are the loudest ones. It's not exactly a fun place to be around if you prefer cooler heads to prevail. I never made any statement on whether or not people should or should not be able to vent their frustrations, I'm just saying the constant bitching and moaning over the same things has gotten old for some, and they've left. 

    My response to you was more me noting that you've claimed numerous times that you don't watch Panther's games, at least not fully, and how ironic it is that you are a mod of a Panthers forum and can't even be arsed to watch the games. I also found it ironic that someone who would brag so vocally and so frequently about how often they missed the games would still feel comfortable commenting on how the players played in said games. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    Would you be happier if we just banned any and all dissent? Would that make it easier for you?

    When you're 0-5 and have a streak of losing seasons leading up to being 0-5 you're not going to find a lot of positive takes. Sorry.

    Now I know you're smart enough to see that that's not what I am suggesting with my initial statement, nor my response to you. Disingenuousness looks bad on you.

  8. 7 minutes ago, LinvilleGorge said:

    So goes the team so goes the fanbase. When the team is a clusterfug the fandom will be a clusterfug. This isn't a new phenomenon. 

    I'm just going to go back to my pre-Peppers ways. Keep an eye on the Panthers out of casual interest since they're the local team but other than that generally just watch whatever the best matchup is at that time and follow players that interest me on other teams.

    It's just not worth it to stay heavily emotionally invested in this organization right now. It's like staying in an abusive relationship at this point.

    Yes, you've said this before. In fact, I've seen you, a mod of a Carolina Panthers forum, state for multiple seasons now about how little you care and how you just can't bring yourself to watch Panthers games. This doesn't seem to preclude you from enlightening us with your takes about how they're playing, though. 

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