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Everything posted by travisura

  1. Not sure on the actual stats of this, but it seems like most punts end in fair catches anyway. No need to send our best receiver back there.
  2. The mindset is that being ranked 6th in the NFC is better than being ranked 16th so I’d rather be closer to 6 than 16?
  3. I mean, if we're talking new panthers shirts, 704 Shop has a pretty cool one coming out tomorrow.
  4. https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/08/30/nfl-updates-covid-19-protocols-weekly-testing-vaccinated-players From the article: "Fully vaccinated individuals will not be designated high-risk close contacts, and only unvaccinated players are at risk of missing games without a positive test."
  5. Yes, I am aware of that. But the protocols for unvaccinated players who catch covid are much stricter than for vaccinated players who catch covid. This is due to the fact that the vaccine drastically cuts down on severity of symptoms and ease of spread. Also, nice scare quotes around the word vaccinated. Do us all a favor and get your anti-vax nonsense out of here would ya?
  6. Those unvaxxed players better hope they don't cause any forfeitures.
  7. This board would not have been a pretty place if this happened to us.
  8. Can always count on you to find the bright side in any situation lmao.
  9. It's too early to come to any conclusion is my point.
  10. Bruh we haven't even played a real game under Fitt and you're already labeling him a failure.
  11. It is curious to me that David Moore gets cut while Ian Thomas remains. Must be some information we're not privy to.
  12. I think this can only mean that Terrace Marshall and Shi Smith's performances have made him superfluous. I take this as a good sign for our receiving corps.
  13. I thought they made that guy up for the Space Jam movie???
  14. ...with the hopes of keeping him on the practice squad.
  15. As much as I'd like to find a diamond in the rough of other team's castoffs, I think the chance of us improving the OL in any meaningful way other then depth is probably a pipe dream.
  16. Could be just a depth signing. Could be that he turns out to be better the Elflein. Time will tell.
  17. I would assume it has to do with the fact that more and more people are getting back to "normal", and thus incurring more of a chance of catching covid. Not necessarily a problem with the vaccines, but rather a changing attitude that leads to more risks. Also schools opening up and becoming covid petri dishes aren't helping anything.
  18. Cam has said he doesn't want to be a backup. And besides, if you brought him in, there's an immediate QB controversy and it puts both Rhule and Darnold in an undesirable situation. Ain't no way we bring him back.
  19. Have you thought about maybe going outside, breathing in the fresh air, maybe going for a walk? Ain't no way that cut down day should get you this worked up.
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