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Everything posted by travisura

  1. He was saying it was a done deal for the Saints yesterday lmao
  2. Well, we don't know what the official price is yet, so we don't know which players are going the other way. And I don't agree that this is guaranteed to ruin the franchise. The defense was rebuilt from scraps over the past couple of years, so it can be done again, although this time they'll have an elite offense to pair with it, not Sam mf Darnold. The Texans are not gonna make the super bowl off of the picks we give them. Let's remember who we're talking about here.
  3. Interesting to see the stark contrast in tone of the two Watson threads at the moment.
  4. Also that was before the grand jury declined to bring any charges against him.
  5. This nonsense has actually caused me to turn notifications on for Schefter's and Rapoport's twitter. I've never been more humiliated in all my life.
  6. Yeah let's just let one of the mods delete this thread and act like it never happened.
  7. If Deshaun doesn't become a Panther it's not because we just signed a Safety.
  8. I've found you to be one of the more reasonable voices in here, FWIW.
  9. Does anyone know if we're planning on re-signing Jones? Or are we rolling with Brown and YGM?
  10. Lol at all these half baked "sources" just flinging poo against the wall
  11. Imagine being a Falcons fan and having to face the fact of Deshaun most likely being either a Saint or a Panther.
  12. Because this board is full of pathological pessimists who believe that every move the Panthers make is going to fail, and every move other teams make are going to work perfectly.
  13. Terrible goal to give up in the 96th minute. But if we can play the way we did in the second half for a full 90 minutes then I like our chances.
  14. The NC kid scores Charlotte's first ever goal.
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