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Everything posted by travisura

  1. And we actually cleared enough to bring him in lol
  2. Looks like the Saints just restructured Marcus Davenport's contract to save them just under 7 million on the cap this year. Still nowhere near what they need for DW.
  3. I'm not saying he's not to blame for the mess we're in. That doesn't excuse your use of shitty logic tho.
  4. That logic right there is why this thread is such a shitshow.
  5. Who is this guy? Guy with a podcast who was a scout for the Eagles? How does he have any idea what's going on? Seems like people are just finding tweets that fit their preferred reality and posting them in here.
  6. I mean it's not out of the realm of possibility. I have seen Schefter accused of basically being a PR mouthpiece before.
  7. Yah I'm out for now. Call me when something official is announced.
  8. Could've accepted their trade offer and arranged a meeting. It makes all the sense in the world for Houston to drive up the price, so why wouldn't they welcome more teams to the mix? DW doesn't get to decide whose trades get accepted, he just has final veto power.
  9. Yeah makes all the sense in the world to further gut the team you're gonna end up playing for. Solid logic there.
  10. Is it possible that Houston is the party adding teams to the mix?
  11. Honestly there's just too much poo slinging to discern anything meaningful from today's announcements. Although it might be noteworthy that Rapoport basically hand waived away the potential cap issues ATL has with Matt Ryan.
  12. This thread has been hell for my productivity today.
  13. Clemson is literally dead middle between Charlotte and Atlanta. Gainesville (Where he's from) is in between Atlanta and Clemson.
  14. Could be just to drive the price up for the Panthers? God I wish there'd just be a decision already
  15. We're gonna see an all defensive draft for the next couple of years lmao
  16. Man I'm gonna feel the secondhand cuck so hard if he goes to Cleveland.
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