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Everything posted by travisura

  1. Or give him backup money for a FA QB we could hypothetically sign. I'm not saying that keeping Sam as QB1 is what we should do, only that I think there are certain contexts where it wouldn't be inconceivable to bring him back.
  2. All depends on the context of his hypothetical re-signing. There are scenarios in which it would make sense.
  3. I'll be there in a group of 7. 5 Panthers fans and 2 Steelers fans.
  4. Love the Minter choice. He was my favorite player when he was here I had a jersey of his too (that I've sadly grown out of). Also helped that he was my rec league basketball coach.
  5. If not drafting in the first round, what would be your ideal route out of the QB doldrums?
  6. It is genuinely fascinating the level to which you despise literally every single aspect of this franchise, down to the most granular detail. Makes one wonder why you even call yourself a fan of it.
  7. I seem to remember once upon a time seeing him make the argument that there are "QBs who run" and "running QBs", as if there is any meaningful difference in that distinction.
  8. Last night Travis Kelce took off his helmet and threw it while he was still on the field of play. No flag. You can admit that the call on DJ was bogus and stop this weird hall monitor shtick anytime now.
  9. You realize that that's a huge if. Right? He got traded. We got 4 picks in return. Suck it up and move on.
  10. Can you imagine this place if we only got a 3rd or 4th rounder out of it
  11. That's one hell of a temper tantrum you're throwing. Feel better? Or do you still need a nap?
  12. This team was punching above its weight with Miguel. I have strong doubts that this same squad will be this competitive with a new manager. Hope I'm proven wrong.
  13. Well that press conference was fugging useless. No new information was divulged it was just "I don't want to speculate" in reply to every question. Might as well not have had one.
  14. He just wasn't a yes man who would lick Tepper's balls like Rhule does. Tepper don't like that.
  15. Saw a random twitter post claiming that Miguel gave an ultimatum to Tepper to go back to real grass or he would walk. Probably not true but thought I'd share.
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