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Everything posted by travisura

  1. Best way to sell tickets and merch is to win games, best way to win games is to let the coaches pick their QB. I think you're overstating the impact Young/Richardson would have on their own. No one's gonna pay to see either of them if the team is 6-11.
  2. They keep slamming our defensive performance last year, which is fair enough, but they're acting as if that's a good basis to project how the defense will do this year, which I don't think holds up.
  3. Not based off of comments from Reich/Fitts. If anything I think the interviews could have more weight than watching them throw without a defense.
  4. Lol. Trust who you want based on their reporting record, not off of how they word their tweet or if they use the word "sources". Yes you fugging genius if the source gets fired they can't continue to get some SUPER SECRET SCOOP can they?
  5. Sure, and that's your prerogative. But to disparage any potential insider information as false just because the source isn't named, which is what bully consistently does, is foolish. You have to go by the record of each individual reporter/journalist. I'm not saying that you have to believe someone who claims to have sources, but if you didn't believe anyone who doesn't give their sources away then that would preclude you from believing anyone at all, even Schefter and Rapoport.
  6. Do you genuinely not understand how sports reporting works? Everyone, even Schefter and Rapoport, have "sources" that they will not name, so that the source can maintain anonymity and the reporters can continue to get information from them. The fact that the source is not named is not an indictment on the accuracy of the information at all.
  7. They’ve all said game tape is the most important thing. I doubt that if we have one guy in mind that a pro day workout is going to change that.
  8. They're both about to be 0-2 on surviving a new owner lmao
  9. Yeah I'm sure he's not concerned with the well-being of the organization. Just thinking out loud about the ramifications of selling now as opposed to any other time.
  10. I thought about that as I was typing, as well as the fact that an owner selling is so rare that I wondered if there was even enough precedent to have a standard practice. But even still, selling now feels like it's a wrap on this season for Washington. There's no time to replace coaching staff, the draft plan I'm sure is not fully concrete, but too developed to scrap completely. Things will have to go as they were going to go this season, regardless of if there's a new owner, but with the added ominous presence of a cleaning of the house during the offseason.
  11. Is it standard practice to sell at this point in the offseason? The timing feels to me that it's going to cause this entire season to be a lame duck season. Granted this is assuming that it's happening soon.
  12. It was Hopkins + a 4th, in exchange for David Johnson, a 2nd, and a future 4th. And at the time it was widely regarded as a dumb trade on Houston's part, for giving up a top 5 WR in his prime for that little. So I'm not sure we can use that trade as a good benchmark.
  13. Pipeline to Buffalo is closed. Pipeline to Chicago is now open.
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