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Everything posted by travisura

  1. It's possible to share an account with YoutubeTV, but it can be a pain in the ass. The location of the account's owner dictates the "home market" so if you're sharing an account with someone in the same television market as you are, then you're golden. If not, then the owner of the account has to log into YoutubeTV with your account info once every three months so that you can continue using it. This is because when you use it out of the home market it technically thinks the account owner is travelling so you have to log into it in the home market again to refresh it. Oh and because the account owner determines the TV market, all your local channels will be affiliated with that market, not your own.
  2. No it's definitely a coded message that says my preferred guy is the guy they're taking.
  3. Honestly I don't think there needs to be changes. I do agree that there should never be a draft lottery but I'm not sure realistic the possibility of that happening is. I like the format of round 1 on Thursday, 2-3 on Friday, and 4-7 on Saturday during the day. I feel like it gives GMs and coaches enough time to prepare but doesn't drag it out. The talking heads are going to do what they do regardless, and especially as the picks come quicker and quicker on day 2 and 3, they can only talk about so many picks as they happen. Also just for kicks I propose that it's contractually obligated for the NFL to go to commercial break whenever we pick, regardless of where that lands. I want to see the first ever NFL draft that begins on a commercial break.
  4. Honestly I don't get the vibe from any of these guys that they'll put their foot down about having their specific number. A number switch can produce legendary results, just ask Cam.
  5. 7 = Stroud, 9 = Young. They were saying folks were gonna show up to the draft party cosplaying as their preferred QB.
  6. We've arrived at the "Does liking Twilight challenge your masculinity?" portion of the Stroud vs. Young debate.
  7. Either way the point is moot and we've all (myself included) gotten way too into the weeds re: measurables than we needed to lmao.
  8. I was using what Google told me, which is that Stroud weighed a couple of pounds more. Then I was corrected and told that according to combine measurements, Stroud weighed a couple of pounds less. The spirit of the argument that I was trying to make was that there is not a significant difference in their weight, but yes, I did say that Stroud weighed more before the clarification was made. The spirit of the argument that I was pushing back on was saying that Stroud was "smaller" than Tua because he weighed 3 pounds less at their respective combine weigh ins. 3 pounds is not enough in my mind to claim someone is "smaller", especially when the person who weighs 3 pounds less is 2 inches taller.
  9. Josh McCown is not the only voice in the room, nor is he the most important voice in the room. Your opinion. Saying "The reality is..." before stating your opinion, doesn't change it from still being just your opinion. He didn't say that. He said if you move up you better have conviction. It is possible to have enough conviction on multiple candidates to decide to move up, then determine who your guy is after you've made the trade. I'm seeing a whole lot of speculation based off of nothing but your own opinion here.
  10. I'm perfectly fine with Young. I don't think the injury concern is a big enough reason to not take him, if the staff feels that he's the guy. But I'm also not going to act like the concerns regarding his size are "imagined". You can want Young and still be realistic.
  11. The problem is that the exact same logic that you're using to claim we moved up for CJ, is also being used to claim we moved up for AR.
  12. We're talking about a difference of a couple of pounds. Essentially the difference is nonexistent in terms of weight, but keep telling yourself what you need to to get by. Like others have said, if you're concerned about CJ's injury likelihood because of his size then Young shouldn't be on your draft board at all. This is why it's so easy to discern where your argument is really coming from.
  13. No one here is being uncivil. Your argument hinges on your assertion that CJ is smaller than Tua, and that's just not the case. You're just coping because most folks are worried about Young's small frame and you're trying to conjure any reason you can as to why we should also be worried about CJ.
  14. If you're trying to claim that we need to be worried about CJ getting injured because he's a similar size to Tua, then Young shouldn't even be in the question. Young is considerably smaller, and has a smaller frame than both Stroud and Tua. I get it you like Young but come on man if you can't be throwing the "what if he gets injured" stone from within the Bryce Young glass house.
  15. You're squabbling over three pounds now? Ridiculous.
  16. Stroud is both taller and weighs more than Tua. I'm not sure why you're running with this narrative.
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