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Everything posted by travisura

  1. Tell that to your fellow mod who is comparing Bryce to Jimmy Clausen in every other thread.
  2. So what I'm gleaning from you here is that you're agreeing that the reaction to Bryce is much more severe than to that of Mingo (the reaction to Mingo being the one you chose to take exception to), but you believe the vitriol Bryce has received is justified based off of draft capitol used to obtain him, because after two games Bryce hasn't lived up to whatever lofty expectations you were somehow coerced into having by other posters here.
  3. 2001: 1-15 record, worst in the league. 2003: 11-5 record, made it to the Bowl. 2010: 2-14 record, worst in the league. 2015: 15-1 record, made it to the Bowl. In the NFL, fortunes can change quickly.
  4. If a couple of comments about how Mingo's route running needs to get better constitutes "ringing his neck", then how would you describe the treatment Bryce has received on here over the last month?
  5. No NFL atmosphere will ever match Celtic-Rangers, for better or worse.
  6. I don't think that they'd pull the plug after only 2 weeks, but crazier things have happened, so that's why I'm just waiting to see. Like I said, this theory falls apart if Bryce plays Sunday.
  7. Not upset, just not ready to declare anything definitively. There is not enough information to draw any sort of conclusion. But don't let me stop you from having a good time.
  8. Only one of us is cranking out half-baked theories based off of assumptions, pre-conceived notions, and a lack of evidence, and it ain't me. But sure, I'm the one drinking the kool-aid, lol. I'm content to wait and see how it plays out before reaching a conclusion here.
  9. It's not "pretty clear", you've just already come to that conclusion without really any supporting evidence. This theory completely falls apart if Bryce plays on Sunday. Fun times on this forum when the mods are more insane than the average poster.
  10. Mike Evans, Tee Higgins, Tyler Boyd, Michael Pittman Jr., Curtis Samuel, and Calvin Ridley are all free agents next year. No trade required.
  11. How many sacks/TFLs does Luvu get if the OL isn't preoccupied with accounting for Burns?
  12. And not to mention the fact that they brought Dalton in specifically to misdirect the defense. Everyone in the stadium, announcers included, thought that bringing Dalton in meant 100% QB sneak. One announcer even said out loud "Well we know what this play call is", when he saw Dalton trotting on the field. All that build up just for Dalton to pitch it to Sanders and pick up the first. It was a purposeful misdirection meant to subvert the expectations of Bryce's size limitations, and folks on here are pissed about it for some reason.
  13. There's fug all we can do about it now so there's no point bitchin.
  14. Only thing that comes to mind is that Brown has never called plays before. We're not privy to the inside conversations but I assume the plan is to hand the reigns over at some point, but who knows what criteria they're looking for.
  15. Saint's all blacks are ass anyways.
  16. Wasn't there a report or something going around saying the FO was going to be stingier with the picks they send away from now on?
  17. You've been predicting 0-17 for years now so I'm gonna take that 3-14 prediction to mean you've hit a stroke of optimism.
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