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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Seems like a nice way of saying we are just doing what we can with what we have. We need to put Sam in the best opportunity and that is by having this line formed by preseason and able to gel together soon. Optimism is good and we can sugarcoat some of this but opponents will study film and know our roster weaknesses.
  2. You think there is some resentment in the locker room? These are grown men but it stands to reason not everyone who may just be trying to get that next contract and maintain their career will be thrilled with Rodgers who has already accumulated a fortune over the years.
  3. Or this could just be the beginning of a new chapter in the nfl in the age of pandemics and vaccines. More and more players are getting ideas of their own. Much like with how Watson tried to hold the Texans over a barrel Aaron Rodgers has followed in those footsteps. Deshaun was just arrogant to think none of his activities would ever come to light or could be used against him. Rodgers for whatever people may think about his personality doesn't have that baggage. Now he reaps the rewards. I don't think we have seen the last of elite quarterbacks pulling these stunts.
  4. I agree there is a double standard and Watson should be on the exempt list by now. But you have to remember that went down around the same time as the Ray Rice elevator footage was all over the internet. That was all in one summer. The league needed to make an example and timing doomed Hardy's career.
  5. Hardy had a second chance though. But he ended up creating a public rift in the locker room and getting arrested for cocaine possession
  6. He did later with the benefit of hindsight and wisdom being a little older. But from my understanding reading up on different quotes from Kobe's agent and others it was an impossibility. Even one of the personnel guys from the Kings said his agent told them point blank do not take Kobe he will not play for you. Mitch Kupchak last year said Charlotte had second thoughts and wanted to keep him when Vlade Divac threatened to retire. In the end his destiny was playing for the team he grew up with.
  7. Well you'll get no argument out of me about that. But unless Watson is formally charged and sentenced he will get more leeway as a young franchise quarterback than Hardy did as a late round defensive end.
  8. Kobe always only wanted to play for the Lakers though didn't he? We never really had a chance to begin with he talked of sitting out the season if we kept him. Small markets have been getting the shaft for decades.
  9. I would obviously choose a premier tackle over Samuel but he is no Philly Brown that is extreme. I watched Brown drop like 20 passes in a preseason game one time.
  10. Can there ever be a thread where someone isn't trying to garner sympathy for Sam bc he played on a bad team? None of our opponents are going to go easy on us because the Jets were trash.
  11. To start there is much to unpack in all this. In possibly giving up three firsts as an intro to negotiations I would need to have some assurances there will be no more lawsuits or unnecessary distractions waiting around the corner. Also the elephant in the room is will he end up disgruntled here too? He has said he wanted to be involved in decisions in Houston is he going to get that kind of pull here after us giving up a haul just to acquire him? The new management here in Carolina don't have a great track record so far with handling delicate situations with their starting quarterbacks. They will need to go out of their way to appease Watson. You can't go anonymously mouthing off to the media on this one if you hit a bump in the road.
  12. Lonzo has come a long way since his time with the Lakers. He could be an asset here.
  13. People are still upset about that? Greg killed his own career and hurt the team in the process. His antics in Dallas slammed the door shut.
  14. If you hate the guy just say that and move on man. I'm not making any excuses for his failures it's all there for us to see.
  15. In terms of quantifiable success no. Bad drafting bad front office hires mediocre coaches. But the product sells. The team suckitude overall is only more of the same though. What can you really expect from a basketball city that thought Adam Morrison was a homerun? Your lack of faith in MJ as an owner is on the surface understandable but Charlotte basketball has spent the last several years attempting to cleanse a very depressing history going back to the early 2000's when it all fell apart culminating in another city having the rights to our team. It all may never fully come together under Jordan. But the team finally has it's young star they can build around so there is hope.
  16. Tannehill is night and day better at taking care of the football and managing the offense by taking what the defense gives him than he was in Miami. In order for him to achieve that he is not asked to sling it like other quarterbacks because he has the most physical rb in the league and a very stout line. He ranked 21st out of 32 qb's in average passing yards per game. Lower than even three yards and a cloud of dust Teddy Bridgewater at 17. Sam will not have this luxury unfortunately. He will have one of the best backs in the game but a line in flux. He will almost certainly be throwing it more than Ryan T and as much or more than Teddy did. He will have to be as efficient as Tannehill has become.
  17. '15 '16 and '17 they were doing better and closer to the middle. Mismanagement poor drafting and the decline of Kemba Walker did them no favors in the following years. Now they have LaMelo and just have to be competent enough to keep building around him and those attendance numbers will improve again.
  18. I can understand his frustration with the Packers but I get the vibe he's just tired of seeing someone like Tom stockpile more and more rings and even young stars like Mahomes joining in. You could argue GB has been inconsistent with their defense over the years but they have still been one of the more competitive teams overall. I rooted for the Packers when they won it all some years back but Aaron has peeled back his persona quite a bit since then and shown he likes to make it about himself a little too much. But he's going to be just fine regardless of all this and he's plenty wealthy with numerous options after football.
  19. People can gripe about the success of the team but the Hornets are and will remain a popular draw for the area and newer generations of fans are embracing them. The franchise occupies a space that was much cheaper to build yet it still looks great and functions fine. With the Panthers the question is how relevant is the franchise nationally or furthermore internationally for a fresh cost of a billion plus dollars? They have only just become more prominent in the immediate area the last ten years and now they are back to square one. They can only hold so many events and that new car smell won't last forever.
  20. If I misinterpreted your intent then I retract my remark. But it's not something I care to make light of for crass lols. The people of Charlotte and surrounding areas never should have lost the franchise. Who knows what could have been in that lost time. To say it was downhill from there would be an understatement. George Shinn knows he's trash for what he did.
  21. There was a little more to it than that. Wasn't the fans fault though. The team led the league in attendance for years even when they weren't all that good. But go off about that welfare for the ultra rich king.
  22. Patrick Mahomes had three receivers and two running backs taken before him. Drafts can be weird who knows how the kid will be 5 years from now.
  23. Well it isn't a one size fits all deal some guys can adapt and learn quickly others take longer and finally flourish years later. In some cases the light never comes on no matter who is coaching them up. In many instances it falls to pure chance and luck in landing in the right situation at the right time. I think we have a very solid receiving core in the making but all of the above need to elevate in all phases. That's route running blocking not giving up the play even if Sam is scrambling which may be often let's be honest. And above all hands. Guys are going to have to make some contested catches in this division. Beyond that it is up to Sam to build a rapport with his top targets and even those lower on the depth chart because it's going to be a long season. Joe Brady is also going to have to maximize what he has there is a big diff in talent this year vs what he had last year so there should be no excuse for sloppiness. We need smart play calls in the redzone and likewise late in games overall. I'm hoping that all comes to fruition.
  24. If old habits could be coached out so quickly and easily there would be many more Tannehill or Brees types up for grabs across the league. As much as Sam has to take the next step our receivers are also going to have to make his life easier.
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