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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Downplaying the talent at Alabama is laughable at best. And they're coached by an all time great. They beat low level college teams like a drum. Both Stroud and Young had talent around them if you're going to knock one for it keep it consistent.
  2. Did he even take one? Some folks are getting too heavy handed with the s2 give it a few more years and a larger sample size.
  3. We won't know how it went down for some months. But at Stroud's proday Reich and McCown were all over him. Then at Young's proday the Tepper's were quite obviously smitten. There was a gradual shift after that. I can't wait to see the behind the scenes of some of that.
  4. You don't have to like it but there are some parallels between Mayfield and Young. Highly touted heisman winner back to back 40+ touchdown single digit INT seasons with 70% completion and #1 pick. Baker is bigger too. The one key area of difference you can look to is personality. They are polar opposites there and that could be a layer on why Baker has been the bust he has become. In comparison Bryce is very intelligent humble and is beloved by many as a true leader. If he's going to make it that will be a significant reason why.
  5. Rhule was an egomaniac. But I don't buy that Tep is fully hands off. Bringing his wife into the team operations was surprisingly welcomed by many here considering all the things that were said about Richardson having his sons help run the team years ago. Hopefully it shakes out for us alright in the long run. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.
  6. Yeah but some or most of that was definitely Rhule. Teddy bruised his ego really bad when he went public with criticism. Darnold was the perfect rebound after because he would never rock the boat.
  7. Florio is terrible but in terms of Tepper seeing is believing. One could point to 2021 and say well he didn't step in and push them toward Fields. But all we have on that are whispers that he liked JF anyways. And this is a different ball park altogether given the investment to secure the pick. I'll begin to believe it when they put out the behind the scenes from this years draft in the coming months.
  8. Yeah like whether he will hold up to the rigors of ten plus 17 game seasons. Try as you might with your tantrums in the form of raining poo emojis you can't erase that from the conversation.
  9. All you can do is hope they make the right decision and it isn't influenced by ownership.
  10. I tend to agree with you. But man that no back to back winning seasons remark hits hard. I'm hopeful but also in the back of my mind the worry that we pick the wrong guy is there. I'm a Panthers fan bad decisions are what we do. On the flip side though we are due for some good luck. But as far as the notion that the Teppers are being fully hands off in this I just can't fully buy it. I think they are pushing for Bryce. We'll see how it shakes out.
  11. You want Stroud in our division? If we take Young he better be showing elite flashes by week 8 or it will be a shitshow here.
  12. Iamhubby1 I hope you'll come together with the rest of us to celebrate our new young franchise QB next Thursday 🫡
  13. The way you are behaving is the very definition. You think I "don't like" Young because I have had questions about his ability to withstand a 17 game season for the next decade plus so you have been doling out what you perceive to be retribution in the form of poo reactions in every thread about him over the past few weeks. It is not healthy and you need to stop or unplug from all this for a bit.
  14. Hopefully we don't hear down the line Reich didn't ultimately get who he really wanted. Lots of jobs at stake here. Just hoping they get it right and it isn't being influenced from the Tepper's.
  15. Why would we just now be hearing about something like that with CJ? Man someone really wants that kids stock to fall.
  16. Totally not insane poster @poundaway is still furiously spamming poo reactions in all these threads
  17. It was an awkward situation paired with the impromptu press conference and of course all the questions would be about Young the reporters stay glued to Twitter updates just like fans.
  18. I didn't say they wouldn't have any success at all but the Falcons have been rotating coaching staffs in and out for years and their defense is usually meh. Are they going to give us all we can handle because it's a rivalry? Sure. Do I think they're going to be a legit playoff contender? Not until proven otherwise.
  19. That would be a serious desperation move but I think we'd be fine either way. Eventually the other teams in this division are going to improve. But I don't see the odds of any young QB doing particularly well with the Falcons. Regardless with how much has been said about this years QB class many folks here need the others to be mid or busts. If not cue the weekly comparisons.
  20. Threatening physical violence on folks in your own fanbase is as low as it gets. It's only football... Ivory Panther and BriceYoung guy had a lot in common. And they aren't the only ones who engage in this behavior.
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