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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Panthers went from a nice substantial chunk of cap space last offseason to trying to trade for scraps and hoping anyone will take Teddy off their hands within a year. Brutal.
  2. BPA within reason but our depth in the offense is awful so screaming for defense after watching our offense being outscored by teams drafting before us doesn't jive. We have many jags along the offensive line who could quickly become starters if things go south. We have one elite highly paid running back and nothing but another big question mark behind him on the depth chart yet again...deja vu. We signed a new tight end but who is behind him other than stone hands Ian Thompson? We also lost Samuel. This offense needs more redzone weapons.
  3. This you? https://www.carolinahuddle.com/topic/168984-what-was-the-boldest-move-this-franchise-has-made/?do=findComment&comment=5429754
  4. We could spend the whole draft on o line and be lucky to get 1 or 2 above average starters. It's still a crapshoot as much as looking for a qb don't kid yourself that's why so many ol who manage to hit free agency are getting paid crazy money now too particularly tackles.
  5. Desperation. It's what happens when you pay a backup quarterback starter money the same year you move on from a former franchise player and end up with egg on your face.
  6. So looking at the line and needs within the next season or two we could be looking at left tackle center guard depth and possibly right tackle because we don't know how it will play out with Moton. Drafting a tackle at 8 with the current outlook is akin to putting a bandaid on a stab wound. Either this or next year no matter what we do some poor qb is going to be making chicken salad out of chicken poo.
  7. Every season huddlers pick their corners on which qb they are going to love or hate and never change that viewpoint. More often than not though it is based on fan allegiance and most are dreadfully wrong. What's your take on Mond? He has some flaws but we are relegated to sifting through scraps at this point in time so if he is sitting there in the second do you pass? If we can trade down or get a premier tackle or even Pitts at 8 if the other qb's are off the board I think Mond has to be under significant consideration.
  8. I hear you but I just have doubts we end up with that high of a pick again. We blew it two years in a row. 2019 we lost what half a dozen games in a row and couldn't sniff a top 5 pick? Last year we had the 3rd about locked up and Plaxico'd ourselves in the foot beating a hapless WFT. My feeling is with Teddy we will again be just mediocre enough to miss the top 10.
  9. Can't pay everyone. This just makes me want Pitts even more if no qb is available at 8. With how expensive offensive weapons and quarterbacks are getting in general and the likelihood of us not returning to a top 10 pick anytime soon I cannot stomach drafting a tackle 8th overall rn. Get us another weapon now if we can't get the signal caller.
  10. This sums up how I feel. The draft is fairly deep for offensive line help as it is. Our offense had it's best years recently with elite te play. The top teams in the nfl have that also in Tampa and KC. Not to mention we have upcoming contracts and priorities to consider on who to sign on both sides of the ball in the next season or two like DJ Moore so drafting another young dominant offensive weapon on a rookie contract is a big plus.
  11. It's not an either or in the modern nfl. Offenses have evolved so much that even the best quarterbacks aren't slinging it on a rope between multiple defenders all the time. You see plenty of dump offs and screens from strong arm qb's and times where they are just letting things flow. It isn't about just taking risks but having the ability and knowing when it is time to nut up and take over when the win is within grasp. That is the difference between a truly elite modern quarterback and a game manager who will opt for a short pass on 4th and long with the game on the line. Which would you rather have leading your team?
  12. Buzbee shares some striking similarities with Lin Wood. Both appear to be immoral ambulance chasers at best and neither should honestly be members of the bar association.
  13. Uhh if you want my advice try a few deep woosahs and a nice long walk sir.
  14. No one said commendable. Lumping it in with a discussion about harrassment and assault however is an odd leap. It is curious that you have made so many posts defending Watson but in your moral compass you apparently draw the line at being a father to children by different women. Seems inconsistent.
  15. Since when is being a father a negative? That's quite the leap in logic. Can see the kind of circles you run in with remarks like this.
  16. If no quarterback I would be fine with trading down but more picks don't always guarantee anything looking at the Seahawks drafts. Staying at 8 based on who we believe will be available Fields/Lance 1a/1b followed by Pitts/Chase and the top OT available. I may find myself in the minority but taking a tackle top 10 is my least favorite scenario in this draft. Multiple reasons for that but this could be the last top 10 pick we see for a bit if we are content at just being mediocre enough to stay middle of the pack and I would rather add more passing weapons to the offense if we can't get a fresh signal caller.
  17. I will concede on younger generations overlooking it but don't mistake the NBA as a for profit business entity using the tragic circumstances of his passing as a money making opportunity as his reputation being permanently restored in the minds of most. Before the crash he was still very much a flawed figure and whispers of that trial still hung over him in many circles. In the social media age where everyone now has a voice his name is still attached to it. For every discussion where you see him mentioned you will eventually see that follow. The intent here certainly isn't to try and keep score or allude one instance is more serious or deserving of relevance than the next but in America some factors that shouldn't will always play a role in who is "forgiven" for transgressions and who isn't.
  18. Kobe couldn't escape and still can't escape his trial and even in death it is still very prevalent. So why is it in all these morality takes the discussion of Ben Roethlisberger is usually met with a shoulder shrug and a "yeah but..."? That privilege is real.
  19. Ultimately it is only symbolic but the last thing the team should be doing is bringing in negative publicity when it is already in a downward trajectory. Until the Panthers have restored some semblance of actual legitimacy again certain jerseys should remain off limits. Build it back right and focus on not being a joke in our own division for awhile for starters.
  20. I get that but I just don't buy that a man who has a giant set of balls on his desk and paid a new head coach 100 million dollars handed the keys and full authority of the trajectory of the franchise to Marty Hurney while completely removing himself and said new head coach from the process. It was undoubtedly a collaborative effort if anything in bringing Teddy to Carolina.
  21. By all accounts at the time the other teams sniffing around looking to sign him were blown out of the water when we swooped in with our offer. We then proceeded to get Teddy out front and center in all of our media activities to show off our new face. Yes maybe we didn't "love" him but we damn sure were hard up to acquire him.
  22. Let us just call it for what it is. We got played like a fiddle by Sean Payton into believing Teddy could be more. The worst thing we can do is double down. Get back to what made this team a hard nosed competitor in our division and not a one win wonder just happy to be here.
  23. We drafted Jimmy Clausen. People can say what they want about the man but he knew how to get the job done.
  24. I used to enjoy your posts but your inability to reconcile with the fact you were wrong about Bridgewater after months of going to bat has sent you over the edge and now you are bitter in every thread. Find a way to rappel yourself back up to reality soon.
  25. The next year mantra has been done before to no avail. This is groundhog day for Panthers fans now. At least in 2010 we knew how to secure the bag once the obvious became known unlike 2019 and 2020. As it is we still won't know if we'll finally get the dreaded no back to back winning seasons monkey off our back until at least 2023. But yeah keep hoping for that fabled next year boys.
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