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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Only Panthers fans will fawn over the highest paid running back in the league then turn around and bash their young talented wide receiver on a rookie contract.
  2. In some ways there has been a bit of overrating DJ through fan lenses. But in that same regard there are people who try to diminish him for whatever reason despite clearly being a much needed breath of fresh air. To that I say we could end up back in the days of multiple third or fourth options in starting roles like Corey Brown or Devin Funchess or Kaelin Clay if we end up in cap hell again. 2017 anyone? Be grateful we at least have a talented wideout putting up respectable numbers for a change. We also have a solid 2nd option with Robby. How long has it been since we could say that?
  3. I'm all for optimism but it's not exactly very encouraging if you have to go back to the disco era or even further to find examples to validate the narrative.
  4. You talk like he personally took money out of your wallet. The Panthers are on their third GM since that went down and those people are gone. Let it go and move on all this spite about long settled grievances from years ago is very unhealthy guy.
  5. Whew buddy what a tumble for Panthers fans. From a young Cam Newton in his prime to a quick five years later going to bat for the definition of mediocre in Teddy Bridgewater because it's the best you've got going and to praying Sam Darnold can pull a 180 in a single offseason. You guys miss those Cam threads yet? Life comes at ya fast.
  6. What's your angle? The Panthers weren't winning with Teddy and they have limited options that don't involve surrendering a king's ransom to trade up for a rookie. If next year is more of the same it's back to the drawing board. This could be a short process or we could end up in qb purgatory so if you are fully hitching your wagon to anyone like Teddy or Sam before games have been played you will not enjoy life much so just sit back and let it play out.
  7. This is a sad fact we should not shy away from because it continues to haunt this franchise. However it's a strange flex to essentially summarize his accomplishments with that. Do you see anyone saying hey that Luke Kuechly was a hell of a player but he never led his defense to back to back winning seasons? I just don't see what bitterness toward any of those players or even coach Rivera with all the rage posts about him in the past accomplishes now. We had a great run with that group but it is time to put it in the rear view and let go of old feelings and just be thankful for the success we experienced.
  8. There should be lessons to be learned from how rapidly opinions formed in that thread were engulfed in flames. Historical odds dictate this could be a throwing poo at the wall effort for some time despite optimism for whomever the next reclamation project may be. Move forward with a certain threshold of detachment and retain some credibility and more importantly your sanity.
  9. Another top 10 pick would obviously be helpful but time is not on our side. We had our chances in 19 and 20 to maximize our draft positioning and all we got was a pointless win streak for morale and now we are convincing ourselves a former bust will be our savior. We need to bridge the gap within the division while we still can with Brees exiting and Matt Ryan also possibly following him soon. The Bucs are obviously the lead dog but Brady isn't going to play forever. These next few years are crucial.
  10. It really irks me that they even have a higher draft pick than the Panthers after embarrassing us the last couple of years. We must right this wrong.
  11. They put the stamp on Teddy too tho.
  12. Teddy is not a starting quarterback but the way our trio of head coach gm and owner have handled the public relations aspect with our last two quarterbacks leaves a lot to be desired in my eyes. You can certainly see they are learning on the fly with this.
  13. In retrospect Carolina should have done it the right way two years ago and let things occur naturally when we started 0-2 with #1. We had a shot at his successor then and last year but we were concerned with team culture yet we proceeded to overpay at two luxury positions in what were ultimately very 2010 Richardsonesque moves despite what homers will tell you. We are where we are now because the Panthers just couldn't get out of their own way the same as past years. New owner same song and dance. We could get lucky and strike gold again like we did in 2011 but many fans lack the willingness to be that bold. That mentality is why someone like Bridgewater could even talked up as a franchise quarterback in the first place. It was always a tall order but he wasn't Cam Newton so for some that was enough. Now look at us. We tried to tell you.
  14. There is no conclusion to make yet. Anyone writing him off already may as well just step away from the table because you will only spend the next several months wallowing in misery and for what? We know the Panthers MO by now. No sense even getting worked up over this. We basically drafted a new quarterback who already has NFL experience. Darnold is as much boom or bust as trading up for a rookie but with significantly less investment overall.
  15. What optimism? The Panthers have 2 division wins since 2019 with Cam Newton Kyle Allen and Teddy Bridgewater. Most people seem to understand we are not a good football team. It's been a rough time for Charlotte sports but they can at least give us a team with some fight. We were not going to get that with a two yards and a cloud of dust passer like Bridgewater and if Darnold isn't it then it is on to the next.
  16. https://www.panthers.com/video/throwback-sam-darnold-hits-robby-anderson-for-92-yard-td-in-2019 No clue how this will work out but at least the guy can sling it and Robby knows him as good as anyone.
  17. Trading for the Jets sloppy seconds wasn't a clear enough indicator?
  18. It has been a rough couple of years so the apprehension is surely justified. However if Darnold can get the ball deep to DJ Moore I will feel much better. Words can hardly describe how demoralizing it was to see guys like Matt Ryan sling it up and down the field on the Panthers while we needed a prayer just to complete basic deep throws.
  19. We are now officially 0 for 1 on replacing the former franchise quarterback. The 100 million dollar coach and the owner who hired him are now officially on the clock. They can no longer use the boogeyman Hurney as a shield for their decisions and fans should do the same.
  20. Hopefully the few Bridgewater fans left have someone they can talk to about the recent events. Hang in there guys.
  21. Well what's done is done. I'm in hope and pray for some good juju mode now. Change of scenery away from Adam Gase helped Robby Anderson but hey who knows. Still an upgrade over last years starter. There I said it.
  22. Panthers went from a nice substantial chunk of cap space last offseason to trying to trade for scraps and hoping anyone will take Teddy off their hands within a year. Brutal.
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