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Everything posted by frankw

  1. QB rating and QBR aren't the same. This is actually something Panthers fans have a history with as it has been a contentious source of information back to the Cam days. We can argue over whether Tannehill was average or below average but I would not say he was terrible in the couple of seasons before he came to Tennessee. He peaked with the right staff and the right surrounding talent. I understand the desire to make him look worse to fit the narrative but I just cannot agree that he made a jump from abysmal to one of the best because he had some of the basics there already. He only played on 11 games in his final season with Miami btw.
  2. The comps with Ryan Tannehill do have merit in a circumstance sense but he was a competent starter before he thrived in Tennessee though. It wasn't his decision making that was in question. His qb rating the last 6 seasons has never dipped below 88 and has been as high as 117. He took the leap from average to borderline elite with the help of a quality roster and the biggest running back in the league. The difference is they have a line to protect him while Carolina has a void at Sam's blindside until proven otherwise. Teams like Tampa will be chomping at the bit to put that to the test.
  3. I was referring to his onfield performance. He can dazzle one play and baffle the next. We obviously know he is a bust as a top overall draft selection. I don't think anyone here is under any illusions that Jameis is likely to suddenly turn his career around. However his decision making struggles going back to college are not as far off from our own starter as some think. We hope Sam can turn the corner but like Winston the odds are stacked against him. His youth is the biggest plus in our favor rn.
  4. If the Panthers had a fully intact offensive line in place I could understand not placing a priority on 2nd string quarterback. But with left tackle once again up in the air and all the offensive weapons we have now it just seems like throwing in the towel. An additional layer to all that is the 17 game season and unknowns about covid in the fall. That's a lot of variables that could spell unfavorable circumstances for many teams.
  5. Jameis Winston as an nfl quarterback is the definition of boom or bust but the guy can throw. Folks mean well but they're on that hopium and don't want to see. The same staff out here building them up also told them Teddy was the answer. The league did us a solid with the opener this year so we won't have to wait long at least.
  6. Are you referring specifically to Panthers local reporters or league wide? There are some really good sports journalists out there but they don't cover this team anymore sadly. As to your remarks about the questions they are asking I will agree that some are just looking to stir the pot or create clicks. Again that is a general issue with media now but in truth who do we have to blame? Social media very clearly thrives on negative information and in kind that is what media outlets produce. That is what keeps people coming back. But in regards to asking questions that would be perceived as tough or controversial that depends on the viewer. Some fans want fluff and all sunshine and rainbows while others take better to a more balanced experience with their team. If someone is the former their best bet is to stick to the teams official social media pages.
  7. I guess thoughts and prayers is the left tackle approach for 2021. Good luck Sam.
  8. Well whatever route they go it needs to be sorted soon. There will be an adjustment period with line changes. The optimist in me says we have the talent to achieve this in time but the pessimist in me is reminded of years of line shuffles that resulted in shall we say less than desirable results. We'll see.
  9. Getting a musical chairs vibe with that left spot.
  10. All valid. The social media team is definitely making an effort to control the narrative coming out of camp. I got no problem with it but maybe I'm just nostalgic for the old days of camp updates on the huddle.
  11. For the offseason this is true. But it's not as if Carolina has had a consistent offense the last few years either. The Panthers have struggled to keep up with their divisional foes and it has shown in a putrid record. The left tackle spot still being up in the air ten years on doesn't help either. It should be of little surprise there will be a degree of skepticism in camp and elsewhere until we see some real progress in the regular season.
  12. What is the strict filming limitations for the media about? I hope it isn't because the team is wanting to release more of their own social media content. I get it but I could live without some of the overdone fluff they have been putting out.
  13. Well he has a history of throwing a decent number of interceptions no matter how much homers want to erase his past. The question isn't will he throw more but how much he can limit them in a new offense with the weapons and protection we have provided. Personally I'm more interested to see how he responds to the turnovers. If he can bounce back quickly that's what really matters.
  14. Honestly only the huddle and Panthers fans still hold this burning ire for Rivera. Kuechly doesn't strike me as the type to stay on an extended vacation and that attachment to the sport doesn't just fade for guys like him. If he does take on a role with another franchise like wft I could only consider it a loss for the Panthers in the short term as they seek to establish a winning culture again with one of the youngest rosters in the league.
  15. Isn't that what we thought last year when Tom was throwing pick sixes early in the season? Next thing we know he's tossing the trophy to Gronk on a boat in Tampa. I wouldn't count on a quick demise for the Bucs. They still have a loaded roster. The Saints and Falcons may be a different story but Atlanta has a new coach now so that's unpredictable. @LinvilleGorge can you nix my extra post? Thanks.
  16. Slow Sunday huh? The Panthers would have to play much better in the division for this to even be a thought. Brees and Julio exiting is a plus but if we want to win the South we need team leaders to assert themselves in a big way. I am optimistic about Darnold and our receiver core but I have a hard time believing his decision making takes a big enough leap for a postseason run.
  17. After last years two yards and a cloud of dust passing attack with the game on the line I can appreciate what 89 brought to the football field even more. People can have their opinions about him on a personal level but you cannot deny he made just about any game he was in worth watching. I have tried not to dwell but I can't help but think he could have made a difference in 50. I just don't see the team going out like that and allowing the defense to try to take out our qb without going down swinging literally and figuratively with Steve in the game. All we have are highlights and memories now. Ohwell.
  18. The Talib history doesn't have an impact if you just listen to the audio and take in what Robby is saying about himself. It sounds like he has an edge about him this year. I'm hopeful more players on both sides of the ball become more vocal but especially on offense.
  19. That there are dumb humans out there willing to risk their freedom for a joyride should be one of the least suprising things you can see in this country. The American value system on screens big and small via social media and reality television drills it into kids heads at a young age that the key to happiness and fulfillment is having the nicest car or the nicest house. Crowding overpopulated prisons for nonviolent crime isn't going to change anything but the system will keep repeating anyway.
  20. It's not weak enough that we can't get by this year but we can absolutely upgrade and Scott Fitterer will be seeking to do so beginning in '22.
  21. They were elite for their position. Shaq to this point has not been. Not all of that has been his fault but reality is reality. I will assume you have missed a few replies in here because I have already discussed Shaq and his contract and how it lines up with the current on field returns. Some fans view things differently and that's okay. But change is always around the corner and I have no doubt our new gm has plans that don't involve overpaying for average play.
  22. I had a more detailed response to this that disappeared. But my overall point wasn't that we didn't have a pass rush at all but that Luke and Davis were integral to the overall success of the defense. Between them they had 6 and half sacks and 8 interceptions. In regards to those sack numbers though it's a shame that didn't show up in the biggest game. Kony Ealy was a top contributor with 3 sacks and nobody here would say he was very good. Damn shame.
  23. I'm not holding the contract against them I'm sure Hurney did what he did with that and market value is what it is. But we didn't help matters by dragging him through the mud publicly and tanking any value he had. That was on us. I hope that and the public turmoil with Newton was a lesson learned moving forward.
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