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Everything posted by frankw

  1. I'm not sure I can agree. They built the core of that team up through the draft and added pieces intelligently in free agency and now they are primed for a repeat with a still very stacked roster. I hate it but if we want to get closer to another trophy we must do the same and stop bragging about having the highest paid at whichever position like that counts for free wins.
  2. Apparently the Saints and Bucs being awful thirty or forty years ago is enough for some people to feel better about those two rivals having 3 trophies between them before we even have consecutive winning seasons.
  3. Except the part where I stated I dont care for him at all. You can not like someone but still be an adult and acknowledge reality. Winning can mask a lot of things and his checkered past is proof of it. That's why he is still where he is and our previous head coach is in Washington.
  4. X's and O's and some quality drafting. We know about Payton on a personal level and the bounty scandal. He still knows how to coach. We can sit around crying about how unfair it is or we can build a better team and get back to beating them
  5. To win a championship in this current league you have to either get extremely lucky by catching lightning in a bottle like the Panthers did in 2015 or you have to build some semblance of consistency. I do not care for Sean Payton at all but I am not expecting a crash and burn unless he just forgets how to coach. What he brings to the table is what we need from Matt Rhule. Here's to hoping.
  6. Division champs four years in a row with a Super Bowl trophy nestled under their tree every fall? Yeah that must be awful.
  7. Oof. But if you don't lay out the red carpet for every decision mgmt makes some folks will go off the deep end and ask why you are a fan
  8. So what is the total cost of this practice facility? 225 million is steep. Just what kind of other events can be held there to justify the soaring cost? It is not a big shock that another round of billionaire welfare isn't working out so well.
  9. The Carolina Panthers have two divisional victories in the last two seasons and one of them was against Jameis Winston. Does anyone really expect our guys to be listed above players contending in the playoffs? McCaffrey has to stay healthy and help get this team out of the cellar.
  10. That's a big if. And he will be 29 by the end of the season. https://sportsinjurypredictor.com/player/denzel-perryman/7260
  11. He had an insane amount of snaps that year we based our whole offense around him. He had 1039 snaps and 403 physical touches and we won a whopping 5 games. There is this wild concept in football called versatility that coaches of winning teams tend to emphasize. I imagine Matt Rhule has this in mind. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/car/2019-snap-counts.htm
  12. These rankings are based almost entirely on winning and losing. That's what people remember is if you win not how many yards you put up. How is this a foreign concept after ten years of Cam Newton? Do better in the division and finish games and they will be listed higher.
  13. Well that's the average fanbase that isn't a perennial championship contender. It's why shameless bandwagoning is so common in sports.
  14. This can be said to anyone who uses the internet regularly since all of us are guilty of being addicted to this technology. So basically the entire world you me and him included. The banter here is fairly tame by comparison with the rest of social media minus discourse on politics.
  15. With all the time you spend here trying to talk over others whose takes you don't like it is hypocritical to start name calling. When have I said I do not support Sam? You have a problem with not being able to handle constructive criticism. That's on you.
  16. Just saw a rumor about Gordon being traded. Terry has at least proven himself clutch. For all the Graham hype he has a knack for tossing up some ill timed bricks. I like him and Malik a lot but we can't keep both and we need trade capital because I am done with the shitshow that has been the center position for years now.
  17. I struggle to wrap my mind around this. Like you suffer through years of the Jets just to finally jump ship and follow....Sam Darnold? Damn.
  18. Well technically the Hornets did get the first pick but it was in a different city and the team was owned by the league at the time. Nothing shady there at all.
  19. My thoughts about a behind closed doors draft lottery aside we are more than due. Charlotte should have had a top overall selection by now so the least the league can do is throw us another top 5 pick.
  20. Few here are actually going to agree on Sam Darnold. The information is there for any fans to form their own conclusions. Much of the conversation the past month has revolved around which narratives will make Darnold's past appear less bleak. He has the opportunity to prove any doubters wrong. I hope he does.
  21. The Dolphins were a bad football team and Tannehill had struggles that contributed. Who is saying otherwise? But he wasn't trash and he had some much needed intangibles already there and in the right situation he has done quite well for himself. You can't seem to decide whether you want him to look good or bad based on whichever argument you are making on behalf of Sam Darnold. In that case don't look at who is sitting at the bottom of the list in that link I sent in the previous post
  22. My apologies yes some will call it passer rating. QBR is the metric that supposedly encompasses all the variables but it is again anything but settled information and has only been around the last ten years. https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/player-stat/qb-rating-nfl
  23. QB rating and QBR aren't the same. This is actually something Panthers fans have a history with as it has been a contentious source of information back to the Cam days. We can argue over whether Tannehill was average or below average but I would not say he was terrible in the couple of seasons before he came to Tennessee. He peaked with the right staff and the right surrounding talent. I understand the desire to make him look worse to fit the narrative but I just cannot agree that he made a jump from abysmal to one of the best because he had some of the basics there already. He only played on 11 games in his final season with Miami btw.
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