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Everything posted by frankw

  1. I'm relieved for you that you finally put that wet blanket insult on the shelf. You were beginning to repeat yourself. Well we didn't exactly "lose" Bradberry we never pursued bringing him back. I'm happy to have Jaycee but you could play the what if game. We also threw an entire draft at the defense in '20. Carolina still hasn't invested big enough in this offensive line though. Once again we are holding our breath hoping for the best.
  2. Mike Davis had some nice plays last year too but we didn't hand over a brinks truck to him. When you average 5-6 wins and invest a large chunk of your salary cap into luxury positions losing is going to seep into every conversation
  3. And in truth the fact we are even talking about all time greats in a thread about our team losing speaks to the delusion within the fanbase. This team struggles to defeat the Matt Ryan led Falcons. The franchise we have taken much glee in ridiculing.
  4. Okay you got me I got decades mixed up. But the point remains. Marino is a hall of famer and one of the all time greats. He didn't win a ring but he did win. Barry Sanders likewise is a hall of famer. Say what you want about their overall teams but they helped make their respective franchises relevant again in their time just as Cam Newton did for us. Someone on this current iteration of the Carolina Panthers has to step up and do the same. People here talk all the time about Steve Smith being the Panthers goat but do you think he would sit around happy about his team losing while he was in his prime? This young Carolina roster needs some leadership in a big way.
  5. Do you really think running him into the ground in 2017 had nothing at all to do with his deterioration the following season?
  6. Winning in general is separate from winning a championship. The list of entertaining athletes without a title is plentiful. But you have to start somewhere. Dan Marino led the Dolphins to a perfect regular season. Carolina can't even compete in the division at the moment.
  7. It's been discussed. Our starting qb was our leading rusher and that was a very significant factor in the team slipping into the postseason at all. This after investing a top ten pick in an offensive playmaker. Ironic that was the beginning of the end.
  8. If beating the Jaguars is enough for you by all means enjoy that
  9. You misunderstand my definition of failure. I do not consider a winning season to be failure. The climb is the best part even if you don't reach the ultimate goal. But if you never make the climb what is there to be happy about? It's time for this team to climb again.
  10. Chinn is a beast but we lost that game. Since the season those highlights are from the Panthers have finished third last and third again in their division in consecutive campaigns. Hopefully they aren't sitting around reminiscing over failure as much as some of our fans
  11. He's emulating the mentality of his favorite football team. Just happy to be here ya'll.
  12. Ayyyye some originality up in here. Nice use of gifs.
  13. Insert tired deadpool gif and snark womp womp womp.
  14. With over one hundred thousand posts idk if this is the route you want to go. Have you ever seen a thread you didn't need to post in? Was it you who was lifting others work and passing it off as your own? Dial it back some there Scot this isn't high school.
  15. Hof is too high of a bar at the moment for such a young roster. What we need is some leadership as a starting point. Somebody has to step up and claim the role and carry the torch.
  16. Who says I haven't? I stated multiple times I don't think he will hold up physically this season. We were facing the prospects of replacing him one way or another. What the issue is here is folks like you don't have any standards. Do you really think these elite athletes celebrate losing the way ya'll do? They don't hold themselves to a higher standard? They don't want to stop being the nfc south doormat? You should want a team of guys who despise losing. We need that kind of tenacity and attitude again not this just happy to be here crap. Guys need to watch some film of #89 and take notes.
  17. You think because you slob knob all day and night it makes you a better fan. But I will be here in the fall to collect your tears if the Panthers patchwork offensive line does not hold up while we have a hundred million dollars tied up in one rb and one linebacker. Cheers.
  18. Losing is losing no matter how much you want to polish it up. I've had posts poo'd by Cam homers too because I said his arm could be done. Why would I hold my tongue for the highest paid running back in the nfl if he isn't bringing us wins? If the truth hurts your delicate feelings maybe it's time for bed uncle junior.
  19. Remember it was a rebuild until it wasn't when we paid a backup quarterback 30 million dollars for one year of service.
  20. Are you under the impression he got a pass for losing? His own gm called him out for it publicly. Say what you want about his on the field persona but he was the Panthers leading rusher the last time Carolina had a winning record.
  21. Why do we need to walk around on egg shells about the elephant in the room? It's time to win.
  22. His natural passing ability is a good reason to be hopeful. As for the line the bar for me is higher than just being grateful we aren't as bad as the Jets. After 10 years of this we deserve better than that.
  23. We got any clips like this from a winning season or no?
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