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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Sean Payton made a fool out of the lot of them and the franchise no matter who you want to take the fall individually
  2. Whatever they decide to go with I'll hope for the best but they need to figure out the lineup and stick with it this isn't college. It's going to take several games to see what potential we have in this group.
  3. Rhule and Brady both had the biggest hand in Teddy landing here. If you have seen this franchise operate enough over the years the biggest indicator that it was Rhule in the drivers seat is the messy handling of the public feud with Newton followed right up with throwing Teddy under several buses. Sure he brought it on himself but we tanked his value in public. Marty Hurney was well known over the years to be loyal and accommodating to his players to a fault. Marty wasn't in charge he was riding in the backseat and halfway out the door.
  4. Yes I was referring to the attempt to move into the first for Little. Some here will try to convince you that Tepper left Hurney in charge of all the decision making after firing Ron and paying a new head coach 60 million but I don't see it. I think they gave him a chance to see how his input would mesh with Rhule but ultimately it was Matt pulling the lever. When Bridgewater was shown to be a disaster of an acquisition they had the perfect scapegoat and off Hurney went.
  5. Now the argument is Tepper/Rhule/Brady brought in Bridgewater for 1 season for 30+ million dollars knowing he wasn't good enough? And that's supposed to make the decision makers look better?
  6. It's hilarious that people actually believe Hurney was in charge of anything more than signing contracts and basic input in the draft in his final season. Do people really look at the 2020 draft and see Marty Hurney's fingerprints all over it? The fact we hit a homerun on a second round pick says it all. The man drafted Greg Little the year before and almost traded up to do so.
  7. Offering a top 10 pick for Stafford while we had multiple other glaring needs was an all in move if there ever was one. Luckily he saved us from ourselves and wasn't interested in coming here. I don't know why you're so keen on changing history here but whatever floats your boat. Carolina did everything but put up a billboard. They may have released it all through anonymous sources but they were strongly interested in Watson. Sam Darnold was always the fallback plan. And that's fine. We don't need to rewrite how it all went down to justify anything. If Sam works out great if not the new front office will go hard after someone else. They have shown a clear willingness to do so despite the smug revisionist history being applied here tonight.
  8. So it was all a dream that we were willing to give up the farm for Stafford and Watson first?
  9. To start the offseason Darnold was option C at best. That's fact not a wild theory.
  10. Right but I don't think they release that without considering all the angles is what I'm getting at. The Panthers media team is on a different level now. Even still the board with an already acquired Darnold would likely look different than without. Carolina showed what they were willing to part with for a veteran starter so who can say what they would have done if Darnold were not available and what the board would have looked like
  11. Remind me was that from draft night or released later after the fact? This new Panthers team is very deliberate about what they release so I'm skeptical they would show their hand even after the fact without knowing what they were doing.
  12. Are you referring to the Joe Person sources say leak about Jones and Lance? I have not seen the Panthers big board have you? So I can't say definitively what they would have done. But based on confirmed desperation before the draft I can make an educated guess that qb or a trade up would have been under consideration.
  13. Carolina nearly dealt the 8th pick for a 33 year old quarterback with no playoff wins and a 2-16 record against winning teams since 2018. If they actually had pick three all options would have been on the table.
  14. You are arguing with someone who would have taken a defensive tackle over a roty franchise quarterback ten years ago.
  15. He is. Trade with the Pistons.
  16. I like the pick. But I cannot justify moving Terry until some of these other players step up more consistently night in and night out.
  17. Hot seat is premature but he definitely has as much to prove as anyone else. He did indeed heavily lobby for Bridgewater. But he wasn't the one throwing passes and Teddy was too timid. That being said the redzone offense left a lot to be desired as did some of the calls late in games. But based on us adding Dan Arnold taking Terrace Marshall and then drafting Chuba Hubbard I would say scoring should be much improved this year if not yes some criticism is warranted.
  18. I'm curious where Teddy would be in that list too. He probably got the ball out quicker than most.
  19. The Panthers have won some games here and there and even had a win streak mixed in. It's how they have performed within the division that has been their downfall. When you can only muster say two divisional wins that's four losses that can sink your season and certainly make it a tall order to make the playoffs. Competing with the Bucs Saints and Falcons is the first order of business to right the ship and truthfully enough is enough with the excuses from everyone. The team wants to be their own hype machine...well put up or shut up.
  20. I had not heard that holding the ball too long was a knock on him it was correctly deciding where to go with it. Once you get to that it becomes a question of how often did he go through his reads. That would offer us a better sense of the relevance of data like this.
  21. I felt bad and thought maybe 89 was a little harsh on him with the parking cars remarks but now it's clear the light just isn't going to come on. It's a shame but it happens. I'm not going to condemn him because I can't know how he has felt as I have been lucky enough to have had a great mother all of my life. I think he needs to talk to someone and heal. He is still carrying grief with him and it shows by how he is burning bridges everywhere he goes.
  22. Worst case scenario is Sam is a turnover machine while the quarterback we passed on in the draft has a rookie of the year type of season. I don't think that is likely but it is certainly possible nonetheless.
  23. From a social media viewpoint the new photography restrictions are somewhat understandable. But for a franchise trying to regain relevancy it's counterproductive in the short term for fan engagement imo. But the Panthers will be the Panthers.
  24. DJ is gonna secure the bag no doubt. Ya'll need to put some respeck on his name this season
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