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Everything posted by frankw

  1. Unfortunately we will never know this. No one can. But we will know what we have in Dave Canales and his staff rather quickly. The NFL did us a solid with our first game being in hostile territory against a bitter division rival. Showing up in New Orleans and making a statement will be an automatic immense improvement. That's what I hope to see.
  2. For comparison sake. Not for the faint of heart.
  3. You're really going to pretend the last 8 months of discussion here has been universal acceptance of the fact Bryce Young was arguably the worst passer in the NFL last season? How many edibles have you consumed tonight???? My goodness man. The Dolphins started 0-7. Moore was not a good QB. His completion % was 60.5. Since you're all about comparing him to current QB's. That would have put him in the bottom 6 of all active QB's last season. Sorry there goes your comp to elite QB's I guess. Oops. You should be on Tepper's payroll. Seriously. Do not work this tirelessly for free.
  4. With all the talk of what defines quality starting QB play I got to thinking about mediocre QB's here over the years that looked at least decent at the time in limited action. Matt Moore came to mind. I had forgotten he played for the Chiefs and got himself a ring. The interesting thing though. In 2011 with the Dolphins when he played the most amount of games in a single season in his whole career (13). He threw for just shy of 2,500 yards on 347 attempts (lol). For comparison sake last season our starting QB threw for 2,877 yards on 527 attempts. That's 180 more attempts through 3 games just to surpass Matt Moore by less than 400 yards at a time when the league is setup to greatly benefit not just offense but passers in general. That's crazy. Take from that what you will. Dave Canales. Please save us.
  5. Was that the approach under Fitterer or Rhule though? Their philosophy seemed to be one man's trash is another man's treasure basically. Bare in mind Dan Morgan was here through most of that. With Morgan now all that really matters is if he can draft very well. That's the only true way to build going forward.
  6. Texans were on paper one of the weaker rosters entering the beginning of last season. Morgan is taking some gambles with receiver in particular. Some people want to crown him already. We'll just have to wait and see what Canales can do.
  7. Depends on Dave Canales and his offensive coaches. The Texans staff have gotten premium production out of otherwise discarded or forgotten WR's.
  8. XFL aside that was smooth.
  9. Hang in there bud hopefully your day will get better.
  10. Nowhere was that statement made. You are making an assumption from a post that doesn't have that context. I'll be happy to provide it since you apparently think that's my POV which is frankly preposterous. Simply put NFL Salaries have ballooned substantially over the last 20 years. Nobody is saying Shaq Thompson or any particular player are only about the money. Some might be I don't know. The point was the significant increase in salaries for even decent starters let alone star players and their exorbitant contracts makes it at minimum more tolerable to play for a franchise that might not be contending for playoffs or a title. I don't see anything wrong with acknowledging that fact of life. We're adults here. We know how the world works yes? Okay cool.
  11. To be fair this does help quite a bit in that department.
  12. Sam Mills was just different from top to bottom all around. He received a 500k signing bonus and made roughly one million a season through the contract he signed with us when he first got to Carolina. He defined what it was to be a human being and a competitor at a time when NFL contracts for even mid tier players were absolutely peanuts compared to what some of the big name star players that define the league command today. His impact is still very strong. It's very rare to come across someone like him regardless and as the years pass and future generations take over it will be even more rare.
  13. Given everything that's transpired not just within the last year but since Dan Morgan was brought in to assist the previous GM as his right hand man it's bizarre that anyone would be surprised an off the cuff remark like that from Morgan would stir up a broader conversation. Of course it would.
  14. I'm fine with realistic expecations. But it's been 5 years now and the Panthers decision makers still do not know how to define a rebuild. The only right way to build is hitting on draft picks. If Morgan does that consistently the fanbase will love him.
  15. Scored our lone touchdown against the Bears last year who were led by Tyson Bagent at the time.
  16. It really isn't that bad here compared to broader social media man. Have you attempted to peruse Twitter (X) through all this? But just for clarity since you insist it's everyone else here that's toxic and the problem you have to admit it's kind of ironic these are 2 of your most recent posts dating back to the very beginning of the season before you dipped out.
  17. It was always hard to buy the talk of it being a fully unanimous decision with all the people involved. I wish Dan hadn't said that. But it doesn't really matter much anymore anyways. It's over and done with. This season either our QB1 balls out or we will continue the search.
  18. Dwayne Jarrett 2.0 is the expectation. By the end of the year we'll have an answer.
  19. Fair or not it is perfectly realistic and fine to say since we have no track record yet to speak of with this FO so there is no earned benefit of the doubt. In regards to TMJ specifically. I want to be clear that I am not a defender of his. I was quite critical of him. I did like the pick at the time and thought it made ok sense generally give our need and who was available. With him it seemed to be not any lack of talent but inside his head. He didn’t seem to want it. But IMO he can actually play. And he was under 24 years old through 3 head coaches and 2 GM's in his NFL career that's not an insignificant set of circumstances in his defense. If his potential is to be unlocked it will be with the 49ers or it won't happen. I can't say because I don't know. I just do not want to see another situation like CMC where a guy is tearing it up on a winning team making playoff runs. And especially if our offense is not living up to expectations. My perfect scenario is he stinks it up in SF and we finally have a real offense again. Win/win. But like I said to another poster. I'm a lifelong Panthers fan. I know how these things tend to lean. It's going to be one extreme or the other. We'll see.
  20. Main factor is age. 24 years old. Meanwhile we have 5 WR's two of which are 29 and 34. It's an offensive league. Having had the worst passing offense in the league last year IMO the pass catchers are thin barring unforseen circumstances. There's things to like about Morgan and I liked the bringing on of Tillis. Certainly there is more to slot as positive than there is to question. But in this league sometimes small things become big things you just never know. Either way regardless of results this year next season we need to continue reloading our offense.
  21. This could be a great decision or a very bad one. One thing about my Panthers that I know for sure is we have a knack for these kinds of scenarios. Make no mistake. Dan Morgan is heavily invested in Terrace Marshall JR being a big fat failure in SF.
  22. Well this would certainly reflect the "retooling not a rebuild" philosophy. This regime needs to stack some wins this season. Excuses will be in short supply fair or not.
  23. No sir. Just commenting on and trying to bring some humor to a strange POV that I've seen lately here about fans remarking on sports matters in general as if they have no place doing so. To which naturally the only conclusion to make is why would a place like this even need to exist then? If that's not what you intended then apologies and no harm no foul. On the bolded I think you've accurately described the majority of sports media. Which includes many former players across different sports doing the same thing. Of course fans and content creators on social media mimic these behaviors. At this point it is what it is.
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