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  1. Didn't initially realize Mack is even older than Clowney. Fug this noise. The only way we are elevating this defense again is through the draft. Morgan either sinks or swims.
  2. He complains to no end about haters but this man fully went on a milk carton for a week after the Cowboys loss. Didn't even stick around for the second half. It's hilarious.
  3. No amount of hallucinogens would make him want to play here.
  4. So is this baseless speculation or did they actually hear this from an inside source?
  5. Does anyone actually believe Garrett Wilson is available for trade for anything less than a first round pick?
  6. Fun thread to revisit. Of course CamWhoaaCam wanted to throw the bag at him
  7. I remember I think it was I want to say around the time maybe right after the Bengals or the Bears loss but Helene had just hit and people across NC were struggling hard and he used the moment in a press conference to complain about losing a boat that I imagine was insured anyways. At the time I thought it was in bad taste but looking at it now that was just a glimpse into his state of mind. Self absorbed to the max.
  8. At first glance it's a baffling trade to say the least. Even if the Mavs were concerned about his conditioning and injuries he's still only 25 years old. The Mavs haven't been known to be a poorly run org. That is not to say they are right or wrong here. But there's got to be more than they are letting on about. This will be interesting to revisit in a few years.
  9. How is what you're doing helping anything to quell any toxicity? You did this same routine all throughout last offseason and then we opened the season with two of the worst Panthers games in nearly 3 decades and then you promptly slunk away. Maybe we should all just take a chill pill and remember we root for the Carolina Panthers? I don't expect them to be bad next season but I also don't just automatically expect greatness either. If they are to make progress it's going to be gradual and we will all have to be patient. But if we see stinker games then we need to call it as we see it.
  10. It is not hyperbole to say that at one point last season what had arguably the worst QB room in the league. Entering the season with virtually no changes to that room is a big risk and honestly a slap in the face to the fanbase. The worst thing the Panthers can do is sit on their hands and run it back. That's my opinion. If you don't agree cool no problem.
  11. If you want a veteran QB you can get one younger for the money. Dalton looked horrendous once teams got some tape on him after that Raiders game. He is terrible. Idk why this is something that needs to be debated now. We all saw it with our own eyes.
  12. This "mentor" angle is ridiculous. Bryce Young doesn't need a mentor he's a first overall pick entering his third season. Even beyond that the simple fact is Andy Dalton is simply not a good QB and he's at the tail end of his career. You bring in a young QB or a younger vet for the same level of investment. This really isn't difficult.
  13. It's a waste of time to engage with Stingray. He's made his feelings on Cam Newton extremely transparent already in the past. Any take he has regarding Cam should be disregarded because he plainly just doesn't like Newton which is his right to feel that way and have that personal opinion but he definitely confuses that with having credibility in assessing Cam as a player. Anyone that can type the bolded below and be serious has absolutely no leg to stand on in these discussions. Go shitpost somewhere else.
  14. Can't believe all these years later folks still harbor animosity like this toward him even bringing up the extremely dead beaten horse that was him wearing the towel on his head. Hey I'll tell you straight up bud give me the sore loser that is legitimately livid after a loss 10 times out of 10 over the guys who just laugh it up and move on. Cam got endless grief for trying to change the pitiful culture here. Wild.
  15. It's honestly wild how gambling is so effortless and trendy and intertwined with social media now. And connected directly to sports leagues that used to go way out of their way to not remotely give any vague semblance of impropriety. The only thing I'm surprised about is that this doesn't happen more often. But then again maybe we just haven't heard about things yet to be uncovered. I have to imagine in the coming years we will certainly hear more about things like this.
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