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Everything posted by NJPanthers12

  1. Then why waste your time doing it you fool? Very odd to use that emoji on a post about someone’s death.
  2. The panthers have won 20 games in the 4 years Brian burns has been here. As good as he is, let’s not pretend that draft puck has brought us great success. The team has averaged 5 wins a season while on his rookie contract and will have to now give him a monster contract while still trying to get competitive. i have zero idea who the QB in this draft is that will turn out to be great. All I can tell you is most people saw Josh Allen as a project QB who played no competition. All I know is Patrick Mahomes went in the teens because people thought he was a system QB who played no defenses in the Big 12. i rather take a chance on a young QB and his rookie contract and see what he becomes, then continuing to give up assets and awful contracts to QBs who have already shown us they stink.
  3. There were questions about Josh Allen. There were questions about Justin Herbert. There were questions about pat mahomes. There were questions about lamar Jackson. all I can promise is there is much more upside with a rookie than there is with Sam darnold.
  4. But that means you’re not a real fan apparently. will making the playoffs be fun for a week. Yeah sure. But then it’s back to reality.
  5. lol just a hilariously stupid comment. best case scenario, this team makes the playoffs (highly unlikely), and has zero shot at doing anything meaningful when they play real competition. their draft position will only push them further away from having a chance to draft their franchise QB, and will be back to deciding between brining back darnold or some other bus from another franchise. hope everyone loves being stuck in football purgatory, while the young talent continues to get older and their prime years get wasted due to guys like teddy bridgewater, sam darnold, baker mayfield, etc. keep pounding
  6. unfortunately it sounds like jack easterby, i mean steven drummond is making decisions for some reason only god knows. apparently he loves wilks, so we might not be so fortunate.
  7. Hahahah he didn’t have Sam until now? can you imagine wanting to go into next season wanting to roll with a wilks/darnold combo? My lord. Hey, it was at least give love smith ammunition when meeting McNair. “Hey at least I’m not the worst head coach/qb combo in the league. Let’s let it play out another year”.
  8. only in charlotte would you ever have someone with a platform advocating for ex missouri defensive coordinator steve "6-17" wilks as a head coach of their local professional football team. its beyond laughable at this point.
  9. if you show me someone who is on the wilks wagon, ill show you someone who doesnt know the difference between a football and a hockey puck. if steve wilks is the the head coach of this franchise week 1 next year, the damage that it will cause this franchise will set it back 5 years minimum. not even david tepper is that stupid.
  10. Wait so ex panthers players sticking up for his old position coach, never could’ve seen that happen. Calling Steve wilks a terrible head coach is a slap in the face to actual terrible head coaches. Sorry if my standards are higher than having my team fighting. his resume as a head coach is garbage and shouldn’t even be given an interview.
  11. Pack it up and send this franchise to St. Louis if wilks is the next head coach
  12. At some point you need to take a shot. No one loved the Josh Allen pick and now there aren’t 5 QBs you would trade for him. Mahomes was a system QB who played in a conference that played no defense. He is a super bowl winner. Lamar Jackson was a glorified running back. He’s won a MVP in this league. if stroud and young are gone then that sucks. Just won a meaningless thursday game that no one will ever remember 2 years from now. If that is the case, take a chance on Levis or even Richardson. It can’t be worse than bridgewater, darnold, Walker, and mayfield. Take a chance.
  13. cant wait to spend the whole offseason watching tape of daniel jones and mitch trubsiky to see who i want more. they will win us a meaningless 4-6 games, putting us in the perfect position to draft another stud defensive player and have our pick of unwanted mediocre quarterback.
  14. we get another stud defensive player to only to continue to waste their prime years along with moore, burns, brouwn, ickey, horn, and chinn because this incompetent franchise would rather play quarterback roulette with terrible quarterbacks than going all in to find their next franchise one. we can all celebrate that time the panthers wore really cool jerseys on thursday night and won a meaningless game against the falcons to kill their draft position. i think we can all agree we would never trade that memory for anything, even it means another half decade of terrible football. go cats!
  15. This is so dumb. No one hates burns. Everyone just realizes when you are 2-7 with no future and another team offers you 2 1sts and a 2nd for a guy who has never had more than 9 sacks in a single season, you take that deal 101 out of 100 times. It’s a fireable offense to turn that down.
  16. What is there possibly to be happy about?
  17. Yeah Definitley dude. Was just thinking the exact same thing.
  18. This organization is a dumpster fire. It would take a monumental step for this team to just be bad let alone competent. you are on a message board. You have plenty of time. I’ll be positive about this franchise when they give me a reason to be.
  19. You just keep embarrassing yourself. Keep the 2nd grade insults coming.
  20. Tepper does not care at all about the DB and DL coach. The last thing he wants to do is pay more coaches during a lost season. this is wilks grasping at straws trying to blame everyone but himself. I don’t blame him, he’s in desperation mode. Barring a miracle this is his last chance at being a nfl head coach.
  21. Absolute embarassment by wilks. Scapegoating everyone. Oh how sweet it will be when his ass is canned at seasons end.
  22. Love cam. Love TD. This franchise needs an owner who doesn’t interject himself into every football matter.
  23. I mean there is zero doubt in my mind you are either a teenager or socially awkward human being who lives with their parents. These posts are in no way representative of a an adult capable of being self sufficient in society. Also it is quite obvious you never watched a second of panthers football before the 15-1 season and hopped on the bandwagon. Keep it coming with the tubby comments. They are knee slappers.
  24. What a great day! Lions win. Panthers look pathetic. Wilks and this whole regime one week closer to being gone. keep on tanking
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