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Everything posted by NJPanthers12

  1. First of all my posts are directed at Jerry Richardson because DeAngelo flat out says "the owner of the Panthers never reached out." I find it unacceptable that he wouldn't reach out to a player after their mother died. I have also in the past acknowledged the great things Jerry Richardson has done. I see it the opposite as you and many others on this board see it. I believe Jerry Richardson gets overly praised on the good things he does, but the bad things get swept underneath the rug. I don't think it is that ridiculous to believe that a man of his power and wealth should be doing the nice things he does.
  2. yup dude just trolling over here. has nothing to do with the fact that i find it ridiculous that we are attacking someone for being mad that the owner of the franchise didn't reach out to him after his mother died, the same guy who hand wrote a letter to a 10 year old asking him to be a fan of his franchise. maybe I'm not trolling and trying to defend a guy who is getting attacked on twitter and on these boards about a topic that has to do with his mother who died from breast cancer.
  3. he posted a 14 second clip on his twitter page that has the exact quote. He said that no one in the organization attended the funeral and that THE OWNER OF THE PANTHERS never reached out to him. he never said no one reached out to him.
  4. What is so hard to understand about this? No one attended the funeral and Jerry Richardson (the greatest owner in all of sports who always does the morally correct thing like firing his sons and blackmailing charlotte) did not personally reach out to him. He never said no one in the organization reached out, he said Jerry Richardson didn't. Ron Rivera and David Gettleman very well may have reached out to him. If people find it petty that he is upset that the owner of the Carolina Panthers can reach out to a 13 year old fan who is trying to find a team to root for, but cannot reach out to him when his mother dies then I am not sure what else can be said to you. The team is clearly in the wrong.
  5. imagine one of your parents dying and going into work and no one sends their condolences. highly doubt you would enjoy that environment, but yes lets all pretend this is on DeAngelo.
  6. wait so DeAngelo's mom dies, who he is extremely close to, to the point where he was the leader behind the whole wearing pink during October, and we are calling him sad and petty for being upset the organization didn't reach out to him?
  7. Come on man, no one is going to use the death of their mother to lie to make people look bad. If DeAngelo said that then there is no chance anyone reached out to him. Jerry is very good to those in his inner circle. Steve smith was in his inner circle.
  8. Just my opinion but if davis wants it then Luke wants it. I have nlw heard Kalil, CJ, TD, and Cotchery advocate for him to come back. Some pretty well respected guys.
  9. Interesting that on here there a people who rip Hardy apart and call him selfish and a self promoter and not a team player and a bad guy, but then you got team leader advocating for him to stay.
  10. Wow can't believe I agree with Sam mills fan, but he is absolutely correct. Greg Hardy was accused of hitting and threatening Nicole holder who has showed the world how unreliable of a human being she is. Steve smith was consistently a jackass and ended a teammates career, but Jerry Richardson loved him. What can you do though? This is the way Jerry Richardson runs things.
  11. mature grown adult. what is the point of you posting my name on useless tweets and commenting on me every single post. GTFO of here bro

  12. the hatchet is buried just trying to talk some panthers football, and no thats not a real picture. someone put it up on my profile, i have no idea how.

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