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Everything posted by NJPanthers12

  1. This. This right here is why I can’t quit these boards. You just have a way of explaining things. You touch on points that no one else has already thought of. You are 100% right. Just quickly looking through a list, Bill, not a top player. Andy Reid, not a top player. Mike tomlin, not a top player. Heck, even Matt Rhule, not a top player. keep it up my man.
  2. The observer is trash. At this point they should stop their panthers coverage and just run AP articles on the panthers. It’s a revolving door over there since person left for the athletic, and if you can’t replace person than idk what the hell you’re doing. there hasn’t been anything worthwhile from the observer on the panthers in years. It’s truly pathetic and a disgrace that a market the size of Charlotte has as bad of sports section as they do.
  3. This is the worst spot they can be in. Filling the roster with good young talent and wasting their prime and cheap contracts on years where they have zero quarterback. These players will continue to grow and be solid players causing the panthers to be bad but not bad enough to be in position to draft their franchise qb. This franchise is a disaster and our only saving grace is that the wonder twins of Rhule and darnold continue their incompetence and we just have an all time bad season this year. If anyone can pull that off, I truly believe It’s Rhule and darnold. What is more likely to happen is Rhule and darnold know they are playing for their jobs and careers and they win a few meaningless games putting us just out of position to get the next franchise qb.
  4. “Hey did you hear? The Panthers unceremoniously cut the most important player in franchise history who had 1 year left on his contract to guarantee big money to Teddy Bridgewater. They then traded Teddy bridgewater to the broncos and took on a $17M dead cap hit. They also traded multiple assets for an underachieving QB and guaranteed him $19M the following season before ever playing 1 snap with the team. That worked out so well they then brought back the QB they unceremoniously cut and paid him $10M with Darnold still on the team and Teddy’s dead money on the books. Can you believe that roster and asset management ?” ”Who cares!!! Bill Voth puts together the best schedule release videos on twitter every year.”
  5. That’s what happens with fair weather fan bases. They don’t care when things are bad and provide an electric atmosphere only when things are good. This is a fair weather fan base. Not saying the people on this board are fair weather, but this fan base as a whole is 100% fair weather. this has been going on for 25+ years. Jerry Richardson was a god awful human being and an even worse owner. He got a pass because he was from NC and and brought a team to Charlotte. No one held him accountable until casual fridays came out. the media here is a joke. The Charlotte observer has become trash. Couldn’t even tell you who the main persob covering the team these days are. Laughable you have to pay to read that garbage online. wfnz is brutal. You have 2 goofball homers on in the morning who don’t know a thing about sports. You have a Cleveland guy on In the mid day with an awful show. And then you have Kyle Bailey who is more worried about maintaining relationships with Roman Harper, Steve smith, Marty Hurney, and Mitch kupchak then actually doing his job. It’s where sports figures in Charlotte go when times are tough for a soft landing spot. Marty Hurney use to go on Kyle’s show and it was cringeworthy how easy the questions were. then you have joe person and David Newton who might just be the 2 worst people in sports at covering their local teams. these are the people who should be holding Tepper accountable. The fans should be the ones holding these media members accountable to do their jobs. That doesn’t happen in Charlotte. This happens in cities where the fan bases aren’t fair weathered. The media doesn’t get away with this garbage in NYC or Boston. i remember a few years back I went back and looked and I think it was something like 28 out of 32 nfl teams had either their coach or qb (or both) doing weekly spots during the football season on their local sports talk radio station. Of course that doesn’t happen in Carolina and the fans just accept it. david Tepper isn’t dumb. Jerry Richardson wasn’t dumb. They know what this market is. They know they can do whatever they want and neither the fan base nor local media will ever hold them accountable. All Tepper has to do is continue to run a “funny” and “creative” social media account and that’ll distract over half of the fan from noticing how big of a dumpster fire this franchise truly is.
  6. Put it this way. There was no bigger Jerry Richardson hater on this board than me. David Tepper makes Jerry Richardson look like Bob Kraft.
  7. I’ve said it for decades and they go out of their way to prove me right. No one and I mean no one is worse at their jobs than the local sports media in Charlotte. Just disgraceful.
  8. So what the hell was will talking about
  9. Garbage franchise stays a garbage franchise. Poor people of Charlotte who are stuck with the Charlotte sports media.
  10. You keep me laughing man. A mouse fart hahah you’re the best
  11. You’re the best. You’re so Clever and witty with your responses. Keep up the great work. No one take/ more pride than you in giving out imaginary poo.
  12. If it’s not the Hall of Honor, then I truly don’t get the point of having one. You have 2 players who have spent a majority and all of their careers with the Panthers, and will likely make the HOF their first year eligible. Those players are Julius Peppers and Luke Kuechly. i forgot the panthers made that rule that you had to be retired for 2 full seasons to be eligible. Peppers has now been retired for 3 seasons and Kuechly for 2 seasons. If players like that aren’t getting in immediately, then why the hall have a Hall of Honor? there is still a backlog of players who should be honored. Peppers, Luke, Muhammad, Kalil, and Bates. I can even make arguments for Minter, Rucker, Kasay, Greene, Jenkins, Gamble, Charles Johnson, and JStew. TD and Greg Olsen will have only been retired for one season and not eligible. Time to expand the Hall of Honor before the backlog continues to grow.
  13. Thank you. I missed that. Maybe cam is retiring and signing a 1 day contract to retire a panther.
  14. Sorry I must’ve missed it, did someone report it was QB related?
  15. Hopefully Tepper does something positive and announced Julius Peppers, Luke Kuechly, TD, Ryan Kalil, and Muhsin Muhammad to the Hall of Honor.
  16. i am with you and that’s crazy to me. I have been all in on this franchise since 1994, before they ever played a snap. I was all in living in NJ and couldn’t have been more passionate about this team. I attended 3 games a year while living out of state. Went to college in North Carolina and had season tickets. Would make annual trips to Charlotte with my fiancé/wife in the summer. Would spend hundreds of dollars on panthers gear/memorabilia a year (couldn’t tell you the last time I spent a dollar on panthers anything). My entire basement is a shrine to the panthers. The middle names of my children are Charlotte and Cameron. The name of my dog is Julius. my fandom has never wavered no matter how bleak things looked in the past, but the duo of Rhule and Tepper changed everything. They did something I never thought was possible and actually have me indifferent about this franchise. next year will be the first year ever I don’t have the Sunday ticket since it came out. I cancelled directv after last season ended. people can call me fair weather or whatever, but it’s simply not true. I care too much about this franchise to just accept mediocrity. Who am I kidding? Mediocrity would be a gigantic upgrade to what we are witnessing now. The state of this franchise has never been worse and that includes 2001 and 2010. I have zero faith in the idiots in charge and fear things are only going to get worse before they get better. that is my long winded way of saying I’ve also never been less excited for the draft.
  17. Would actually be happy. Ikem, Neal, Cross, or trade back. Don’t want Willis, but wouldn’t be devastated if they take him at 6. Anything else would be an unmitigated disaster.
  18. Oh I forgot. Rebuilding teams don’t give out record breaking contracts to running backs. Add that to the list as another reason this team is absolutely not rebuilding.
  19. That’s the million dollar question. They have a clueless owner. A terrible head coach. A general manager who wasn’t able to hire his own head coach. No competent QB on the roster. A $20M running back who can’t stay healthy. No LT. No 2nd or 3rd round draft picks. The most cap space in the league with most of the free agent class already locked up. this team is a dumpster fire. I don’t even think they know what they are doing.
  20. this is a fact. outside of moving the logo to midfield, there isn't a single positive thing he's done.
  21. lol in what world is this a rebuild? rebuilding teams don't sign mediocre quarterbacks to 3 year $63M deals. Rebuilding teams do not trade multiple draft picks for a god awful quarterback. They especially don't trade 2nd round draft picks for god awful quarterbacks. Rebuilding teams don't trade draft picks for 31 year old cornerbacks. Rebuilding teams don't trade 3rd round draft picks for project cornerbacks. Rebuilding teams don't go into a draft with 1 pick in the top 135. If this team is rebuilding, then they are doing an absolutely terrible job at it. Rebuilding teams should be collecting assets, not giving them away.
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