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Everything posted by NJPanthers12

  1. Jeez this board sucks these days. What happened over here? Poor guy asked a question and just immediately gets talked down to. Is Jeremy even part of this board anymore?
  2. The guy wants $30M a year. Even at his best he wasn’t worth that. and they turned down 2 firsts. He’s not worth 2 firsts plus another pick. He’s overrated.
  3. Burns is quickly becoming the most overrated player in panthers history. $30M is laughable. The guy disappears nonstop and especially late in games. I hear the excuses that the team is bad and he being game planned for. How do you explain brown then? Guy dominates and is always noticeable. Trade him for a first. We’ve done a ton of losing with him, how much worse can it be without him?
  4. Wow thank you very much for going above and beyond. Thank you. It’s crazy to me how a dying industry wouldn’t be more than happy to sell me one. I will absolutely be canceling. Thank you again for the effort.
  5. I have not. If you happen to have one would be more than happy to Venmo/paypal.
  6. No worries at all. Not on you. Guy is a weird dude. Nonstop responds or poos every post I make. And it’s like instantly, within seconds. Guy has some issues. woulsbt shock me if camera cam is 4corners burner account .
  7. He’s an odd dude. Almost positive back in the day he use to private message me some weird stuff as well. Just a miserable human being. But hey at least he got what he wanted. Derailed the thread.
  8. I Appreciate it. It’s not a big deal I just disregard him. It’s sad at this point.
  9. Because the guy is an idiot. Has me on get notifications when I post and poos all my posts.
  10. I’m with you. I was pretty shocked. I obviously live out of town but pay for an online subscription. You would think an industry that’s not in the best of shape would be willing to accommodate a supporter/subscriber. Especially an out of state subscriber when they are easy ways to get around pay walls these days.
  11. I reached out to the observer and they told me no. They told me to print it out and frame it. That’s just not the same.
  12. I truly appreciate you. Thank you very much.
  13. Would someone be kind enough to do me a big favor. I would be happy to pay $25-$30 (or we can talk a price) if someone was willing to send me a physical copy of todays Charlotte observer in good condition. I would be happy to Venmo or PayPal or whatever works for you. I frame newspaper front pages and hang them in my basement. Julius peppers has always been my favorite athlete and really want to get him going into the HOF framed. Hoping a fellow panthers fan could come through. Thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to help.
  14. I like the idea of canales, but the one thing that would scare me is no one else is interviewing him. Seems strange Carolina is the only one who identified him unless I’m missing something. i said before the process started these are the only acceptable options in order: 1. Ben Johnson 2. Bobby Slowik 3. Dave Canales 4. Mike Macdonald and I can be sold on evero if you can’t get one of the above.
  15. The only good thing about this is that the GM was hired before the coach. Not that It’ll probably matter in this dumpster fire of a franchise, but I like when the GM gets to pick the coach and they are tied together. no bullshit that Rhule and Fitterer couldn’t go together because Fitterer didn’t hire Rhule. With that said, joke is on me, and the teppers will be the ones picking the coach.
  16. No surprise here, this is a disaster of a hire. But it would be foolish to expect anything less from this clown of an owner. there is no way you could take a look at this roster and think it’s a good idea to keep, let alone promote anyone who had a hand in building it. Remember, it was Dan Morgan who loved dj Johnson. The sad part is I know how bad this is, but I am just completely numb to it. Cant wait to be having this discussion again in 3 years.
  17. Never thought I’d see the day where they brought in someone worse than Marty Hurney.
  18. Are we really going to pretend tbone is in the know about anything
  19. You know it’s bad when those puppets on that joke of a station say something negative.
  20. This is not fair. Derick brown is a very good player. He’s every bit as good as Brian burns thinks he is.
  21. This is an awful take. I can’t stand Tepper as much as the next guy, but Tepper absolutely needs to address the fan base and answer hopefully some tough questions by the media.
  22. This is all for nothing if Fitterer isn’t next. Hire a new GM and let him choose his coach.
  23. I’m the worst at posting tweets on my phone. But tabor the interim.
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