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  1. I think he was awful today. They won in despite of him.
  2. Tepper ran off both? Really? Did not know that. Is there more to that or just implied?
  3. Eh idk if I agree with message boards being a dying breed. If you’re a hockey fan, hfboards are extremely active for all teams and general hockey. RealGM is extremely active for basketball teams. I am a Mets fan and there are very active Mets message boards. 247/rivals/on3 whole business model is based off active message boards. There is Definitley a demand for message boards still. i understand it being slower with the state of the team but this entire board has gone down hill. The ads are unbearable.
  4. This is not me trolling or just being an ass for no reason, but seriously, what happened to this site? i use to be on here religiously and there would be multiple new threads daily all throughout the year. Obviously the state of the team has been nothing short of a disaster, but it is nowhere near as active as it use to be. Especially in the off-season Also, the functionality of this site is as bad as I have ever seen. The ads are nonstop. This site is brutal to use on my phone. It is also not much better on my laptop. This site is consistently crashing my browser which has does not happen with any other sites. finally, what is with the threads from the panthers website? They take up unnecessary room and never have any follow up discussion in those threads. did igo sell this site? Did he just disappear and no longer gives a crap about it? I’m genuinely not trying to be a jerk. Didn’t always see eye to eye with him, but there was zero argument that he ran a great site. My only guess is that it’s under new onwership.
  5. Jeez this board sucks these days. What happened over here? Poor guy asked a question and just immediately gets talked down to. Is Jeremy even part of this board anymore?
  6. The guy wants $30M a year. Even at his best he wasn’t worth that. and they turned down 2 firsts. He’s not worth 2 firsts plus another pick. He’s overrated.
  7. Burns is quickly becoming the most overrated player in panthers history. $30M is laughable. The guy disappears nonstop and especially late in games. I hear the excuses that the team is bad and he being game planned for. How do you explain brown then? Guy dominates and is always noticeable. Trade him for a first. We’ve done a ton of losing with him, how much worse can it be without him?
  8. Wow thank you very much for going above and beyond. Thank you. It’s crazy to me how a dying industry wouldn’t be more than happy to sell me one. I will absolutely be canceling. Thank you again for the effort.
  9. I have not. If you happen to have one would be more than happy to Venmo/paypal.
  10. No worries at all. Not on you. Guy is a weird dude. Nonstop responds or poos every post I make. And it’s like instantly, within seconds. Guy has some issues. woulsbt shock me if camera cam is 4corners burner account .
  11. He’s an odd dude. Almost positive back in the day he use to private message me some weird stuff as well. Just a miserable human being. But hey at least he got what he wanted. Derailed the thread.
  12. I Appreciate it. It’s not a big deal I just disregard him. It’s sad at this point.
  13. Because the guy is an idiot. Has me on get notifications when I post and poos all my posts.
  14. I’m with you. I was pretty shocked. I obviously live out of town but pay for an online subscription. You would think an industry that’s not in the best of shape would be willing to accommodate a supporter/subscriber. Especially an out of state subscriber when they are easy ways to get around pay walls these days.
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