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Everything posted by BrisbanePanther

  1. There's gotta be something to this. Almost every mock that I've done includes us getting offer packages that include a 2025 #1. There has to be something in their algorithms that make this a realistic possibility. If that happens, no one would criticize Dan and he should take such an offer first and figure it out later. EDIT: Case in point, I started a mock literally right after this post and got 2 offers from DEN and SEA, both of which included a 2025 1st. The SEA offer was vastly superior:
  2. Suncorp would be good. Would never happen though! I actually relocated to the Middle East though, so I'm actually closer to Munich now! I was actually surprised that the NFL International markets don't include any Middle Eastern countries. Seems strange given the wealth.
  3. Do we still have people with ears into the front office? Any whispers on when the Munich game will be? Totally selfish question for planning purposes! There seems to be nothing online yet.
  4. This all the way. Stroud worked out way better than anyone thought--including Houston. This revisionist history on this board about Houston somehow being so much smarter than Carolina leading into the draft is just strange. The dumpster fire that we all see the Panthers as today? Yeah, Texans fans thought the same for their team this time last year. They wanted Cal McNair to sell the team. "They can't even tank right" was a common theme. No intellectually honest fan was thanking Lovie Smith for winning that last game. In fact, they all hated him because he cost them the chance to draft #1, which was for all intents and purposes was going to be Young, especially with an Alabama head coach and a front office well-connected to Alabama through Belichick, BOB, and Saban. We can talk ourselves out of it, but Houston got lucky before it got good. Stroud (and to a much lesser extent, Anderson), makes them look like a model franchise to the Huddle, but all it proved is how quickly things can change for a team in 12 months if they take the luck that they're given.
  5. This is not a debate. If they'll take a deal the starts with Burns and maybe next year's 3rd (if we still have it), make the deal and don't look back. Even if Bryce fails, QBs will see him as a draw. Don't overthink this, but it's all academic. He's not leaving the House of Skōl.
  6. No, they should not unless they have one at the top of their board, and they should only have one there after they've addresses all of the holes in the team's talent and depth. Even Hekker got a scary hit to the knee, and he was the team's best player this year. If Bryce plays again like he did this year, throwing in a 5th round QB in week 13 or 14 "to see what he has" does nothing for the team but set up the back-up QB off-season competition between he and Bryce after the #1 pick in '25. The odds are greater for Day 3 picks to make impact elsewhere on the field. Picking your future backup should not be a draft priority.
  7. I know all about his rookie season. Doesn't change my opinion nor does it change human nature. The local fanbase wants the high-pick local kid on the local team to be part of the answer and will give him more opportunities than normal to succeed. That's to be expected. You can't say that across this entire board some of the hesitation to be hard on him has nothing to do with him being local. Maybe for you it doesn't, but it absolutely does for some.
  8. I wish Ickey wasn't from NC. Then we'd get people being more honest about how he's been very not good. Who cares about situation. He was picked high enough to be the unstoppable anchor for a decade. Too many excuses for him.
  9. Well if these are the same anyone's who we all think were wrong about Bryce, maybe they were wrong about Houston too. The biggest overlooked market in American sports, so of course everyone got that wrong.
  10. Nope, didn't miss it at all, hence why I led with, "Not disagreeing". The yardage you mentioned by Stroud reminded me of Russell, which reminded me of the fascination of him throwing from his knees. It was just noting Russell had a next level cannon (and went #1 because of it and ONLY it, btw), but I don't recall his accuracy and for that matter I don't recall there being such a focus on accuracy back then anyway. Maybe I should have led with, "it sort of reminds me when"? Not sure that would have made it any clearer either, but mentioning Russell shouldn't be seen as a flex against Stroud or for Young.
  11. Not disagreeing with you, but I'm pretty sure Jamarcus Russell wowed people with throws even longer than Stroud's...but was apparently throwing from his knees.
  12. Agree on all that was said, but curious about this one. Source? Teams like the A's, Rockets (NBA), and Cardinals and Jets seem like they'd be in that conversation.
  13. For the sake of argument, do we think these rats were put in place by Tepper or did they start doing it on their own as the ultimate brown-nosers? I think the latter. Tepper should have shut it down but I think people were tattle-tailing to Tepper because they thought it'd be looking good in front of the boss. We've all worked with boss' pets who were totally incompetent but always got favor from the boss for reasons that had nothing to do with their performance. I think that's these coaches. The fact that Tepper didn't make Dan and Dave keep them convinces me too. If they were Tepper's own installed pets, they'd still be here. I was against the Dan hire, but he surely knew this about those coaches which is why their sacking was his first two moves. My guess is Dan told Tepper about this plan during the interview process as well.
  14. If Morgan didn't have Panther ties, this isn't even a topic. I cannot believe a fanbase that has excoriated the current state of the franchise and its player selection...if falling over itself trying to convince each other that a main cog in the machine of this mess is worth a shot. A selection of Morgan will deserve the same doomcasting as another season with Bryce. Not doing so would be hypocritical.
  15. Stroud is a beast, but the Panthers are the worst team in the worst position for a very long time. To think he would look even mediocre on this team is pure denial of how awful this franchise is...or dare I say, "copium". Bryce's performance made him an easy mark that allows the cope to continue too. That's not to say Bryce would be good at Houston because there's a huge chance that he wouldn't, but it's a certainty that Chicago still has this year's #1 if Stroud is in Charlotte. Carolina is that bad of a franchise, down to the last layer of dirt the stadium sits on. To think otherwise is pure cope. The coping and excuses for the Panthers is way too strong. Destroy them and start over. And yes, I am completely down on this team and will stay down until they can have at least three consecutive winning seasons with playoff appearances. And yep, I'm also intentionally trying to wear the term "cope" out.
  16. I had posted this previously in another thread too. If Chicago does something stupid and Fields somehow ends up in Atlanta, it's curtains for the NFC South with Belichick. He brings McDaniels back, they have a RB/TE-focused offense with actual threats at both positions plus QB, let alone at receiver. Fields was putting up gaudy, multi-TD numbers this year with overall skill position talent that's not as good as Atlanta's. Oh, and the NFL and media types will foam at the mouth for a storyline of him winning a SB in Atlanta...a team that's been in a tailspin ever since 28-3 (and probably his best ring). Bright side--maybe Tepper gets some act-right and brings in Harbaugh. Can't let Arthur Blank outdo him, right?
  17. Anyone who thinks Belichick to the Falcons isn't a nightmare for Carolina is coping. Stop the cope. Copium is bad for the brain. Sorry, just wanted to have a turn at using "cope" and all of its derivatives!
  18. Totally agree. I think the mixed feelings on the Huddle is that a) he's a great Panther and b) concern that he's Brandon Beane. Point A is nice sentimentality but no reason to influence a choice. Point B is understandable but nothing we should worry about. Worrying about losing Dan b/c he might be Beane is like not wanting to move on from Bryce b/c he might become Brees elsewhere...it shouldn't factor into the decision even though it could be true.
  19. This is easy. We should all feel awful about it. Morgan has done nothing to justify a shot. Yes, he is guilty by association.
  20. Sooo he's like nearly every other hiring manager in the Western world...we see how that often works out btw.
  21. Even then it'll be fool's gold and a matter of time before it falls apart. Fitt was the allegedly the right choice and so was Rhule and so was Frank.
  22. Agree, which is why I've been harping on the franchise itself rather than just Bryce. He's the worst #1 pick QB since maybe Couch, but Carolina as a franchise is the worst structurally flawed franchise in all of sports, and maybe one of the worst (if not THE worst) of all time. We've had a handful of good seasons over the years but that's like a grain of rice staving off starvation. It was always going to collapse. Now it has.
  23. Just wait until Houston wins the Super Bowl this year. Baltimore is the only team in their way.
  24. Doesn't matter. Any choice made will be the wrong one. The fact that Morgan is even in the conversation confirms this.
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