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Everything posted by BrisbanePanther

  1. I was on the bandwagon big time before but I'm ready to moving on to the draft. Even if by some miracle he's clear of all this, the mental damage of going through it all--including the public scrutiny, ridicule, heckling at games etc will likely give him the yips (or similar) and he won't be the same player afterwards. His career is basically over.
  2. Never understood this perspective. With that view, I guess all Lance and Fields (and any other non-drafted, non-Panthers player) threads belong in the draft forum. They're no more Panthers than any other player currently not under contract, and everything needs to perfectly fall their way for either of them to have a chance to be on the team--just like any trade. This is connected to the biggest trade pursuit in Panthers history. Speculation and interest here is just as relevant as Fields' 40 time.
  3. They'd chuckle to their detriment. Rusty is THE lawyer that top profile Houstonians go to in these instances. He may be the best lawyer in Texas. That's not to say that Buzbee is no slouch either. He ran for Houston mayor but lost in a runoff, and is a highly successful lawyer in his own right. This will be a legal battle for the ages there.
  4. I think we're overthinking this. Tepper said to his football brain trust, "we need the best QB possible to win". Funny that no one questioned his football acumen when he said Teddy wasn't the answer. Now we question it when he apparently says Watson is? A good guess is Tepper said to his brain trust, "get me Watson at all costs" and they're trying to figure it out. A better guess is that he said so and has bitcoin-mining level computing power behind the analytics to determine what the impacts of that "cost" is, comparing success rates of draft picks, simulating this year's team performance if Watson were subbed in for Teddy, etc. The best guess is that he, Fitts, and Rhule all agree that Watson is the best get--they're just figuring out the roadmaps to get him and how they still build the team, which is more possible than any of us realize.
  5. Hence him pinning his ears back and demand the best QB out there. He's had enough of the process. Let's not forget we're talking about a guy who bought his old manager's house specifically to knock it down and build a bigger better one. The Panthers of old is being given the same treatment...and that's his right. After all, we previously had one of the few owners who actually played in the league. That "football knowledge" led to some bonehead hires and NO consecutive winning seasons in 25 years.
  6. I keep saying that McClain is not trusted by Texans fans. Not sure why Panthers fans should lean on him more than his own city's fans. He also had no clue to JJ Watt was going to AZ (no one did, really). And I think all the talk of #8 needing to deliver them a QB this year is silly talk. With no Watson, they are the worst team in the league and will have the #1 pick in 2022. That's when they get their QB, who at worst will be the 2nd best QB in franchise history after Watson. This team has trotted out the likes of Matt Schaub, Brock Osweiler, and Sage Rosenfels for years. Rattler, Howell or some meteoric rising kid will easily be better than them.
  7. I think you'll find yourself in an increasingly smaller minority. Fair enough. But this is a "when, not if" Watson is traded territory...but he will be traded, whether it's in a manner that favors Houston or favors someone else...the longer they wait, the smaller their pot gets.
  8. They may be separate lists, but like a Venn diagram, they both overlap with "Trade Watson".
  9. Caserio should just make the phone call up the road to Raphael Stone, the fresh new GM of the Rockets--aka the guy who traded James Harden. At least Caserio didn't get the "who"? response when he got his job, unlike Stone. He already has a rep as a Patriots person. Already ahead of Stone. He should ask Stone how the Rockets' owner's ego probably had a role in them getting less for Harden than they initially said. Texans said, "3 1sts to start" for Watson. Rockets said "4+ FRPs, plus player + plus a young all-star to build around". Not quite what they got at all. And Harden went where he wanted in the first place and the narrative on him quickly changed. Watson is gone--they're just delaying the inevitable. Is this the NBA-ization of the NFL? Yep. Some seem to think that Cal will hold out because the owners need him to in order to stop this. 1. He can't stop this, and 2. he owes the owners nothing. Cal will remember that his late father had to overoffer the expansion fee for the Texans in the first place, since the league was so determined to give LA a team and basically ignored the Houston bid. The elder McNair had to blow the offering process up by paying $700m--hundreds of millions more than LA had--for the team...in the 1990s. If the owners want Cal to do their bidding, he may as well extract a Super Bowl for Houston every other year over the next 20.
  10. Why are we setting the standard at championship or bust for grading a trade? We're Panthers fans. If Watson delivers two consecutive winning seasons, then he'd already something never done before--even with all the priceless first rounders drafted in the past. Gotta crawl before we walk.
  11. We armchair people might see it as 4 potential improvements lost over 4 years... But a professional NFL front office should see it as 24 potential improvements over 4 years instead of 28. If they need 28 chances instead of 24 in order to deliver success, then they need a new line of work. Those 4 should not make a difference in a front office where pucks 18-40 are seen as the same guy.
  12. Maybe the question is will we love Burns as much after he gets his $100M+ deal? Because all the love for him reminds me of previous Huddle DLine love for people like Jenkins, Johnson, and Short. Then they get paid and suddenly they're not worth their money. It won't shock me one bit to see Huddle threads in 2025 talking about Burns as a waste of space. I think Huddlers love getting champagne level performance from beer budget guys. I guess you get used to that though with a franchise started by a Hardee's and Bojangles owner.
  13. Teddy + CMC + picks will make sense for the Texans. They have no QBs. They have no stars to sell to fans. They have no 1st or 2nd rounders this year. They will be the worst team in the league next year and will have the #1 pick in 2022. They will be the worst team in their division for years to come. CMC + next year's #1 (Howell/Rattler/someone) next year puts them in at least an upward trajectory. Adding whatever additional picks they'd get from Carolina would be a luxury.
  14. And Tepper has the most of all (and it's not even close), right? Caserio can ignore Fitts, but Cal will take Tepper's calls if it comes to that.
  15. Had to sign up just to say this--been reading the Watson thread a while. PLEASE disregard John McClain--Texans fans view him the exact same way as we see Newton or Person. They have no confidence in him and any sources he may have had with the Texans are probably long gone in the purges. The best Texans fans forum is actually ClutchFans, the Rockets forum (I know because I'm a Rockets fan). BTW, I think we're underplaying Caserio's value of CMC. It's not unreasonable that he'd see him as a MUCH MUCH better Edelman, and we know how much NE values Edelman.
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