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Everything posted by BrisbanePanther

  1. If there was a more perfect replacement face that you could see saying "Get the f--- off my field"...
  2. Houston had plenty of extra to give. Little actual cost to them. They just cashed in the value they got for trading Watson.
  3. This is the best top of the draft in a long time.
  4. Well ok Seattle. Levis to LV...LeVis to LV...maybe it was in our face the whole time!
  5. Yep, and would be an easy fan hit in Nashville, and could just be hitting his prime (even though it'd be at 30) right when they move into the new stadium.
  6. Let's see what Tennessee does...Stroud, Lawrence, Richardson in the same division. They can't stay put. I think they take Hooker at 11.
  7. I think they have cap room, and I think still at least Cleveland's 1st next year--maybe more. Plus Tunsil is re-signed, so he has his anchor.
  8. Plus Houston still has Cleveland's #1 next year so it was house money.
  9. Wow Houston! Stroud AND Anderson?!?!? Again, it was hard to imagine that a defensive head coach who was a LB from Alabama was going to miss the defensive LB from Alabama!
  10. Thanks, but I kinda cheated. I'm American but moved out here years ago. @Aussie Tank however, is legit "True Blue" Aussie. There's others around though. It did my heart good to someone on a skateboard wearing a Cam jersey in here a while back. The Aussie NFL Fans Facebook group gets a lot of traffic too.
  11. Yep, would book that flight from Australia. Only one layover to Charlotte too--easy.
  12. This is always fun. Mine can't believe the stuff from even the 90s...but I'm sometimes shocked...mine knew what a cassette tape was for, and that blew my mind. Want more hilarity? Try explaining Y2K to a preteen.
  13. This would be why the company was basically doing a media blitz about the scores. Stroud wasn't the only one to have value drop right before our eyes. The company was doing all it can to save their value proposition.
  14. It'd be interesting to know if a team ever wanted to trade down so much that they had to sweeten offers (not sure what that would look like) to entice teams to trade up...maybe it's never happened before.
  15. Yep, I seem to remember Sam Bradford having that huge contract in place before he was even drafted. The weird thing is the NFL wants suspense and ratings leading to the first pick...which is often the least suspenseful. The gamesmanship starts at pick 2.
  16. So one of the biggest skilled QBs ever is picking who would be one of the smallest ever? I'd imagine, though, that some contrarians would say he didn't endorse AR because he wouldn't want to be "replaced" in Panther lore, much like Shaq seemed to be with Dwight Howard with the whole "new-Superman-in-Orlando" thing. EDIT: Happened already!
  17. Yep, and he'd literally be the only NFC QB worth watching other than Dak and Hurts. If Young is drafted I would expect Carolina to actually be on TV the maximum number of times, and a lot of 4pm starts on Fox. If Stroud ends up on an AFC South team, NBC would want that game on SNF. Relevance. We might have to get used to it again, except this time it won't be "yeah, but" like it was with Cam.
  18. Well, they're actually trying to increase their chance of landing him without paying the price of draft picks...so he is paying the price instead. It's actually a pretty disgusting display of how teams overvalue draft capital too. Reminds me of the fact that in modern economic philosophy, a "good" economy actually requires a certain number of people to be out of work...like there is such a thing as too much employment, so some people's livelihoods have to be sacrificed for the economy to "work". Sorry if that edged towards Tinderbox territory.
  19. Must have been an interview with the Reverse Bryce, Ecyrb, because I didn't pick that up at all in the Clark interview. On the contrary, he sees football as "his thing" indeed, and his family picked up on that at an early age (his dad said "at 4 months") and focused on putting him in position to succeed.
  20. The NFL needs him to succeed. Steph changed basketball from a tall person's game to an any person's game--that's huge for marketability and significantly expands your future player pool. Bryce can be the same for the NFL, especially in an era of youth football numbers declining, more people worried about life-changing injuries, player retiring in their 20s and early 30s. They will probably institute rule changes over time to support him to--just like the NBA basically did for Steph (even though they'll never admit as much).
  21. His size was indeed a concern, but it was frame not height (like Bryce). He was thin as a rail and was actually looking like a bust early on due to injuries. The fact that it was the Warriors who drafted also lent itself to the sense that he was no good since they were a putrid franchise at the time too (like Carolina), so of course "they'd" pick a bust.
  22. Ha yeah, I've always wondered what we're realistically expecting out of these reports. If someone definitively says something is happening and we don't like it (or it ends up not being that way), we say they don't know anything; if they say "think" we take that as code for also not knowing anything. Hilarious. FWIW, he covered his bases here--one "think" and one definitive...which one is right?
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