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  1. Side question...is Tepper on an island with that? I'd say no. In fact I'd say all major corporate types in the US are the same because they know the FOMO game that cities play. Remember the stupid contest amongst cities and states to get Amazon's HQ2? They probably spent billions to win the right to give Amazon billions for something that likely has dubious economic returns due to how long the development will be drawn out.
  2. Pretty sure the vast majority of the Huddle (like 95-98%) wanted no part of either of those guys either--especially Payton.
  3. The fact that this thread is 14 pages is telling about this fanbase--especially when it's the a lot of takes arguing why the quote in the OP about the Carolina quarterback is wrong.
  4. This is a move that will haunt a coaching staff for good. Whenever Daboll is sacked, this will follow him to his next job...he will likely never have a team with a halfway-decent QB again.
  5. Maybe a bit more than zero. It's not like they don't have a track record. This is the same franchise that had the worst draft day trade for a QB before Carolina took the crown. Never underestimate the hubris of a boy genius coach in an echo chamber.
  6. Which is why I think they'd make an ideal trading partner for Bryce--they can't justify a new deal for Purdy and Shanny has an abnormally high opinion of himself. Take one of their 3rds and call it a day.
  7. I think they should just end the drama and tell him he's playing for his next team. Full stop. This week to week "do they, don't they", "will they, won't they" stuff is crazy. Maybe Shanahan will trade one of their 3rds for him rather than pay Purdy the big dollars--he's certainly on the list of coaches I think would say, "They're just not using him right". Plus Lynch already knows the Panthers' price list. Bryce can head back home to California and Carolina can continue its neverending quest to replace Cam.
  8. It's so weird to see the same crowd that agreed with benching the QB because of how he drags the other players and the locker room down...turn around and be upset at a win that the same locker room is probably happy about, ugly or not. This win makes the long plane ride from Munich and the bye week a lot better for the 53. So do we care about the rest of the team or nah? And FWIW, I was always pro-tank, but the guys in the locker room needed this.
  9. I mean knowing what we know now, if Luke only ate and slept football and didn't dream about it too, would he have played longer? Did being so intense about the game contribute to his decision to hang it up early? Not arguing to be lazy, but just putting it out there. On another note, there is such a thing to having strong work ethic but it still being ineffective because you never had to learn how to learn. I know of people who sailed through school all the way to 12th grade and then struggled in college because they actually had to study...without ever learning how to study because they didn't have to. They eventually got it right with hard work but it was a hugely confronting learning curve. Bryce may be the same and that's what people here have said. Take his footwork--it's always been bad but never cost him before the NFL and even though he reported worked on it in the off-season, it still may not be effective because he never had to intentionally work on it. Same with reading the field, getting in the gym, etc that he looked good at before the NFL and is now the opposite.
  10. I think that's only a piece of the quote--IIRC he said he did that for a week and then got back to work. I got no problem with him taking a week. If his ability is made or broken by 1 week, then there's a bigger problem.
  11. I don't disagree with you, but as has been noted many times here, as the franchise QB he should be able to overcome that. I think it's normal to struggle with so much stacked against you though.
  12. Have to agree. Reading this thread is a little like the twilight zone. Many were coalescing around a Bryce verdict 8-games into last season and were sure that he was already a bust because he didn't have the obvious tools or traits. At this point I'm not sure why Canales doesn't get the same type of criticism. He's clearly no McVay (which is still why owners takes chances on guys like him) and his product is more like Nathaniel Hackett's, who was also coaching a team with bad QB production and overall bad team play. He may just not be NFL HC material. So far, he's just a younger, cooler, maybe nicer version that Rhule was at this stage of his first season IMO. Hopefully he improves, but this team's record will be worse than last year's. Can't excuse him from that.
  13. Allegedly the teams are us and Cleveland. But let's also see what else we've heard (true or not)...he wants a big market and doesn't want a cold weather city. So who does that leave that would be in position to draft him? Maybe Miami if they move on from Tua but that means a big financial hit. Neither of the LA teams. Not Dallas or Houston or Atlanta. Maybe SF as a wild card. The big markets left needing QBs are the NY teams, but they're cold weather cities. Plus, Vegas is not a big market. It's a "specialized" market but that franchise is not substantially more functional than Carolina. I think Dan and Dave and Dave should just call Deion's bluff and draft him. Otherwise we own the Raiders or 49ers drafts for the next three seasons.
  14. I agree, but that was not the sentiment here previously. He waited an eternity (in today's NFL) to play. I actually think they moved on from Rodgers because A) they were tired of him and B) they needed to get Love out there before his rookie deal was up to know what to do since the limited game action he had was arguably inconclusive.
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