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  1. They don't. Add in a player like LaMelo Ball, who selectively plays when he feels like it, and you cannot compete. If your highly paid players refuse to play full time, what can you do?
  2. You and me both. First, he refuses to play, then refuses to play defense. Now, he wants out so he can go screw over another team. Boy, we sure can draft great players!
  3. What is the point in following this team any longer? They clearly don't care, so why should we? Why did we can James Borrego and hire this trash ass of a coach? These guys SUCK!
  4. Oh, HELL NO, if this is the cost, have these idiots not learned ANYTHING??? Old CTE Dan will continue Fitterer's awesome legacy if he does this. Guys, we cannot win with this franchise.
  5. Well, he is "hurt" once again, so why would they think he'd play in the ASG?
  6. Yes, "they". Not Ball and the other so called stars. Ball wanted so bad to play against SA and did. Does that mean he just doesn't want to play against other teams? That guy is a child.
  7. Oh look, LaMelo sits out yet another game. Do any of these guys care?
  8. Exactly, the one guy that was a good pick was distracted by the team they traded to. Bridges does not count as a good pick, he missed as many games as some of the others and falls into the availability statement. This franchise SUCKS at identifying talent.
  9. Boy, we sure can draft, can't we. Either they flat out suck or are made of glass. Have we drafted ANYONE recently who lived up to their potential (and stayed healthy)? SGA is the only one and he was traded away on draft day.
  10. That is my problem, Ball just down not take it seriously and will stay hurt. Sad that we pay him so much to sit on the bench injured more than half of the time.
  11. Yea, I thought we were hurting for a C. We finally draft one to develop and trade him away. I'll never understand this franchise.
  12. Damn, he was one of the ones I respected for his tenacity. Looks like they are all a bunch of Prima Donna's.
  13. Is there news about him, or is it just yet another stupid Ian Thomas thing? I wanna know how he survived this long, dude is straight trash.
  14. Where is LeMelo? Does he just not play anymore? Looks like he plays about half the games a season.
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