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Everything posted by Joscott

  1. I'm testing my arm out tomorrow after a week off. It has been feeling better but I don't know how it will react during back day.
  2. I'm trying to give my arm the week off from weights in hopes it actually starts feeling better. It's such a depressing feeling being on a stair master and watching bros do bicep curls. Can't wait to get back in the curl rack.
  3. Never heard of that one, looks pretty crazy. The atmosphere is always fun at those types of things, I volunteered at the Color Me Rad in Wilmington last year, and the runners looked like they had a blast, so much so that I wished I had ran it (even though I hate running). I'm sure you'd have a good time, I'd probably find some way to injure myself.
  4. $60 is usually what I end up getting close to on protein...which I'm due on. You might also want to compare CellMass to AminoX if you are in the market for a post. I've heard good stuff about it too, might be more suited to your goals. It has Aminos, glutamine and creatine.
  5. I've only had samples so I can't speak too much about it. It did have a pretty good taste at least. BSN usually makes pretty good stuff from my experience with them. I just haven't been able to bring my wallet on board to add a post workout BCAA yet.
  6. That's good, it was pretty crowded, I just did a ton of cardio.
  7. Well, on the bright side, I got a good workout.
  8. I have to if I want to keep up. Damn arm needs to start feeling better.
  9. Spotting, meaning starring at them while biscuit pushes massive amounts of weight?
  10. I'm hoping daylight savings time keeps some people out of the gym after work. It's been annoyingly busy still. Still amazed how some people act in there. I was doing bench the other night and had a guy on the one next to me doing skull crushers. Some kid (literally a kid) took the weight off one side of his bar in between sets and the guy didn't notice. I went ahead and put some weight back on for him, because that would have been a rude surprise. I was using a flat bench today today to do forearm curls, and inbetween sets had a woman ask me if I was actually using the bench. The thing is, I was the only person over there and there were two other benches within 10 feet. Some people just can't get enough blood to their head when working out. I also had my first gym poop, but I'll spare the details. Yes it was scary and awful.
  11. C4 used to be my pre of choice, but the last time I went through a tub, I didn't get a pump like I used to. I'm going to have to change it back up next time I go on one. But yeah, when it worked it worked really well. I strained something in my upper forearm about two weeks ago, and it's been really swore, slowing me down in my workouts. I fear I may have to take some time off from my arms, which sucks because they are finally getting some definition I wanted. Bought a tennis elbow strap to keep some compression on it for a while. In good news, I also picked up a sweet under armor smedium t-shirt today. Looks good...maybe I can get Biscuit to take some pics I can post it the next time I wear it. I've been banned from taking selfies at my gym.
  12. I'm not letting a good pump go to waste, no matter who it is.
  13. You know, just admiring the latest fashion and creepy cakes
  14. You should try the Liquid Grip stuff, I know they sell it on bodybuilding.com. They may even have it at Golds. And you know people still use chalk there even though it's not technically allowed. You're big enough to get away with it.
  15. I'll never understand why people do that. I've seen guys stand in front of the rack and do a bicep curl or lawn mower with a 30# weight. If you can't pick up a weight and move 3 steps back, you don't need to be lifting that weight. The way our gym is set up, the benches are right next to the free weights, so there is only enough room to get your weight and move. Some people are just assholes or not very smart.
  16. I successfully resisted the temptation of drinking yesterday, didn't eat the greatest, but definitely could have done far worse. Back on my meal plan until my next chest meal this weekend. Still trying to figure out the scale differences in our gym, looking like I've dropped anywhere from 9-14 lbs over the last few weeks. Probably a little too fast, pants still don't fit well...kinda secretly hoping my hamstrings didn't get huge gains over bulking
  17. NSFW but definitely covers a lot of gym bros
  18. The icing has finally begun in Wilmington. Already a nice coat of ice on the railing. This could get ugly quick. Ice Up ILM
  19. Been working from home today, ice was supposed to start at 6AM so the boss closed the office last night. It has done nothing here in Wilmington as of yet. Should have just went in. Working from home through a Remote Desktop in painful, except I don't have to wear pants.
  20. This is going to screw my gym schedule all up, I moved down here to get away from that mess. I look forward to batteling all the ILM drivers in icy conditions when being forced to drive to work.
  21. I'll be there to lift heavy things and then put them back down.
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