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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. You can close out on a 3, there's not much you can do but foul when the ball gets deep in the paint. It's not like they have great perimeter defenders either. It is a calculated risk.
  2. The defensive players around the perimeter have to sag to help protect the paint. You pick your poison.
  3. Exactly. I'm really happy with JB. Thats what I was arguing.
  4. The reason it seems like Clifford is still the coach and they are giving up 3s away because the roster was still the same as far as defenders in the paint.
  5. I feel like this is a bit of an overreaction for a person saying it would have been nice if they had a padded practice for fan fest like they do 3 days a week each week.
  6. Yea I'm really not sure what the point of being so hush hush about letting fans have more access to training camp this year outside of what the team provides. It seems especially weird because this regime has in my opinion seemed to provide more access with most things before this.
  7. It makes the joint team practices much more exciting.
  8. So if you didnt like it or think it was fair then why would you choose to continue the cycle? There just isnt much benefit in scrutinizing every single throw in the first week of practice on a new team.
  9. Yea I agree, it just seems like from my perspective there have always been moves we as fans werent happy about but the general consensus was they hoped to be proven wrong which would be a good thing for the team. Now it seems much more fans prioritize wanting to be proven right at all costs at the expense of the team. I would much rather be proven totally wrong about every negative thing that I may be concerned about with the roster.
  10. This is definitely one of the more negative training camps I can remember as far as so many people on here trying to be entirely negative about everything before practice with pads even starts.
  11. Because awards are won in early training camp...
  12. Exactly. Pocket awareness and just mobility in the pocket is much more important than actual speed and being able to scramble for yardage.
  13. I disagree. Most of the top qbs at the moment dont really use their legs to actually run unless they have to. Guys like Rodgers and Mahomes are really good at sensing pressure and being athletic enough to avoid it to get their passes off. That doesnt nesscesarily take being especially fast.
  14. So many people just remember late Delhomme.
  15. I still believe you're underselling him. Saying he was just enough to win a game is a big understatement. He was the most clutch qb we have had in the franchise by far. Yes Cam was a lot more talented but Jake was who you wanted when the game was on the line. Even in the super bowl look how he responded when the patriots started moving the ball. There is a reason his leadership and intangibles are still talked about around the franchise.
  16. Early for us. Basically from his first game he came in in the 2nd half.
  17. It feels like some people forget how good early Jake Delhomme was.
  18. You're going to hate on darnold at every turn but you're somehow sure pj is decent? Weird.
  19. I love all this behind the scenes stuff they have allowed us to see this off season. Its so refreshing even though I'm not sure the franchise has much to gain from it.
  20. Yea there was a stretch where that right side with Otah at RT mauled people in the run game. I believe some of our highest franchise rushing games came at that time. He was RT that game Deangelo and Stewart ran all over NYG I think it was? I believe it was a night game.
  21. It is a backwards way to look at it though. Some systems and teams are notorious for making average qbs look above average. That has to be factored in as well. Maybe which colleges produced the most highly touted prospects coming out of college that ended up being busts. Any college can randomly hit on a good qb eventually. The question is do some college routinely make their qb look better than they will be at the next level.
  22. But if there is not a QB your coaches and scouts dont believe in you cant just keep taking them over and over in the first round hoping one will work out. Sometimes it's best if you dont believe your guy is there to work on filling out the rest of the roster instead of just taking a qb to take one. That way when you do potentially draft your qb they arent walking on to a roster totally devoid of talent because you only took qbs in the first round every year against the front offices feelings about that player.
  23. They didnt get his guy so obviously the coaching staff has no idea what they're doing!
  24. He said in his post draft interview that he had been set on a number. I dont remember which but it was in the 20s, but the rule change had started making him consider a single digit number but he didnt specify the actual number at the time.
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