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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. The anthony richardson post combine hype is media driven, not team driven. We have no idea how teams truly feel right now about anyone. The media and fans gets caught up in combine numbers, not scouts. I gurantee you all the scouts in the nfl knew he was going to test well physically long before the combine from watching tape. The combine is to solidify what you see on tape and to talk to the prospects and other teams, not to totally rearrange a teams draft board. If a team makes their picks based on the combine and not tape then most likely they are going to be a bad team lol
  2. Who cares what talking heads say. The league changes every year. The bengals were irrelevant for years until they werent. There are a couple of teams that go from bad to really good basically every season. Then those same guys that cried that a team is irrelevant is then all over them.
  3. Yea not lost but it was mostly the ravens playing it smart because they are almost in a win/win spot right now with the non exclusive franchise tag.
  4. I would be ok taking him at 9. His post season rise feels like qbs with the media after every season. Somehow after the combine every year a couple qbs always randomly end up "rising" a lot in the eyes of the talking heads but when the draft comes it doesnt normally happen at all. Look at Willis last year. Teams knew he was going to test great in the physical and he did. Im not sure how that made his value suddenly become much higher. Broad jump and vertical are pretty low down my list of most desirable qb skill priorities.
  5. Thats silly. Giving up two firsts and a huge guranteed contract kills your roster. It makes it almost impossible to build the roster overall. Add in the fact that he has started to have injury issues, and he has looked not very good at all in the playoffs, and the fact that the ravens have no interest in giving him what he wants. He overestimated his value. Sometimes when you gamble on yourself, you lose. None of that says collusion to me. A lot of nfl fans, especially on the huddle it seems like sometimes, overvalue highlights.
  6. I guess it depends on how bad the qb/team looks. As a franchise though, trading the farm to move up and it not working out sets you much further back.
  7. Or you trade the farm to move up. No qb is a sure thing. They are average to below average and youre fired, and the team is bad for years since they traded multiple years firsts to get up there. Im not sure that as any less risky. That sounds much more risky than staying put at 9 and seeing if one falls. Unless you absolutely absolutely love one.
  8. Some of those things are true though? If Burns was traded we would have plenty of ammo to move up and it not hurt nearly as much. If we hadnt won pointless games we wouldnt have to try to to begin with.
  9. Derek Henry was a running back. My qb being built like a running back is the least of my concerns.
  10. This is that media hype that happens every year that im not sure I believe. He tested great, everyone knew he would. Im not sure why that would jump him up a lot. Most nfl teams weigh tape a lot higher than verticals and broad jumps. Did he help himself? Sure, I'm just not as sure if its as drastic as everyone getting caught up in the track numbers. In the throwing drills you could clearly see he needs some work. Call me crazy but i think a qbs throwing and game tape is a lot more important than their vertical in tights.
  11. Stroud clearly looks the best passing in this second group.
  12. Youre not worried about ball placement here nesscesarily, they are throwing to a spot. They are running with a different wr every pass and theyve most likely never worked with any of them or have any idea of how fast/slow they are.
  13. Even if the deal is worked out, unless youre trading up to #1, im not sure why you would announce it before the draft. All that does is give more time for teams to try to jump in front of us for who they think we like.
  14. To be fair cam definitely wasnt the consensus #1 pick pre draft
  15. Hes going to be shorter and lighter than that.
  16. I agree to an extent but you cant swing just to swing. Youve got to weigh the risk vs compensation.
  17. That is true, but there are lots of drafts where no qb ends up being a Mahomes.
  18. I hope so too. I am totally fine if they really believe in one they want and its not just giving in to the pressure of needing to find a qb. I just mean this place is going to explode if they dont make the move to trade up and take one but what if its because they dont actually believe in one? Everyone is impatient with the fact we haven't taken one in the past couple years but now with hindsight 20/20 there havent been any really good qbs yet come out of those drafts.
  19. What if they dont 100% believe though? Do you still trade up to take one just to take one?
  20. Height barely has anything to do with batted balls. Josh Allen had the most batted balls this past season. Cam always seemed to have a decent bit batted down even. It relies a lot more on the oline and the qb ability to find a passing lane than height.
  21. Yea hes just a consultant/assistant. I think they are going young-ish with both coordinators and pairing them with a consultant with a lot of experience to help them.
  22. He's not hired to be the offensive coordinator...
  23. I think that could be the case and if so it would probably mean someone like Thomas Brown who hes specifically mentioned before.
  24. They were overpaying but if you want to be technical and not listen to the people who just say thats what the huddle does, his value got lower because now hes almost a full season closer to a big pay day than he was at that time. The more games left to be played on that rookie contract, the more value.
  25. He was also going against a defense played by players who most likely weren't going to make the team as well to be fair.
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