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Everything posted by Tr3ach

  1. College isnt the nfl. In the nfl hes great with the ball in his hands but he's slow and clunky running routes that stretch the field and has to be schemed open. Hes a specialized player in the NFL. Hes really good at a specifc thing and thats ok.
  2. I think they are mostly complaining as a shot at taking Young because the only way to pick up a first down on 4th and 1 is to have a qb sneak it 100% of the time because anything else is predictable..
  3. Its obvious too early to tell. Just because something seems like a reach the day after the draft doesnt mean it will be a reach when they actually get to the football field. I would rather get a prospect they really like (Mingo) then trade back, lose him, and get a player they kind of like for a more balaced draft. If they saw the potential in Mingo becoming more of a great player than the edges that were available then you take him. We needed a wr. I would rather have a dime than two nickels. Also without seeing other teams draft boards we have no idea if a pick was an actual reach or not. The media's opinion of prospects and nfl scouts opinion of prospects arent always the same. All that said I didnt like trading up in the third for the edge we got. If he wasnt 25 this year then it would be a little different. I liked some of the later round edge projects like Nick Hampton from ASU but I believe the panthers wanted a bigger stronger rusher to set the edge better to pair with Burns. So who knows, all i know is draft grades and saying picks were reaches before players even step on an nfl practice field seems pretty asinine.
  4. If you actually cared about the truth instead of just pushing your qb preference you would clearly know thats not how the s2 test works. There are plenty of places to get the scientific info saying that doing it multiple times doesnt help. They said from freshman year in high school to entering draft you wouldn't see any major improvement, the biggest jump you could expect to see in that time frame would be maybe 5 points. What it tests is basically genetic.
  5. Thats not the best way to think though. If they really liked a specific qb then thats a good thing. That qb wasnt going to fall past 2 it looks like. Just because the rest of the qbs fell doesnt mean they were good with just taking any of them. If they think Young has the best odds to be a great qb then it doesnt really matter how far the others fall. If anything it just shows Young was clearly the best qb prospect since we almost know he wouldnt have fell past 2 if we hadnt traded up.
  6. Where do they have the DBO sign hanging?
  7. People talk. Its human nature. They arent intentionally leaking anything, its just one person tells one person and then that person tells 2 people etc. Im not saying there is any truth to this or not, i am saying if you watched that behind the scenes draft thing year before last or whenever it was, Rhule basically called the top 10 exactly right. People talk, some of it is true, some of it is lies to get people to believe the wrong info. The best teams are the ones that are good at telling the difference I'd guess.
  8. But if the colts are moving up for Levis what do the texans care at 2 unless they specifically wanted levis?
  9. I think all these conspiracy theories are a bit ridiculous. So a team is putting out fake scores to trick other teams who also have access to the real scores? This would change public perception but not the perception of the teams who actually have the numbers...
  10. It releases general injuries that directly impact the following game, thats a bit different than medical records.
  11. Exactly, a lot of great players had things come easily/naturally to them or were great athletes and didnt have to pay as much attention to the small details. Thats why its usually players that werent great that make the beat coaches. They had to study all the nuances and tiny details to try to get an advantage. This isn't a blanket statement, just a generalization.
  12. This isnt a test that measures intelligence though. It measures movement tracking, processing speed, correct impulse, etc. This test is genetic basically. Your score is your score for the most part.
  13. Because its like medical records. We have no business knowing if the person doesnt want us to.
  14. Cam wouldn't be a great mentor for Young. Their styles are almost the opposite and Cam was an absolute beast physically but a lot of the negative intricacies he had never improved that much. He was a great qb in his prime, I'm not sure about helping coach up a young guy.
  15. Thats definitely not how it works. They had the guys who created it on The Roar podcast and they specifically asked them questions about stuff like that. They said people could improve their score but their are definitely limits. They said basically what you test is what you are. I believe their example was if a high school freshman takes it and scores an 80 then they might be able to improve it 5 points or so in their life but there isnt ever going to be a big difference after that age.
  16. Most of the best qbs in the league have been "one dimensional". Was Brady one dimensional? What about Manning? Rodgers? Mahomes? They dont rush for the most part either, they are good at feeling pressure and moving around in the pocket. The same as Young. Young is faster than Mahomes i would bet. There is a huge difference in using your legs to run and using your legs to extend plays. Most of the best are clearly in the second categories. Young is definitely elusive enough and can feel pressure well enough to extend plays.
  17. Im totally good if this is the case but Rhule gets a lot of blame about bad draft picks and stuff so we have to decide how much the RAS push was Fitterer and how much was Rhule. I definitely prefer drafting athletes. I believe almost all star to superstar level players in the nfl scored a 9 or higher.
  18. It doesnt say all but those 11 players played less than 100 games because of their sixe or injuries though. What is the percentage of quarterbacks over 6 feet and 210 pounds that make it to 100 games? I believe the average nfl career is 3 years, which is probably why they use the whole 50 games thing. I think this is probably a line that is pretty similar for all players/positions regardless of size but this was cherry picked to try to push an opinion. If it were more than that it would factor in if it was injury or skill or what as the reason they played 50 games but not 100, it was made vague intentionally.
  19. Its ok guys, Stroud was 214. Everyone knows 213lbs is the cut off. 213lbs or less and you have a small frame and you're likely to get injured. 214 to 225 or so and you're totally fine. No concerns there.
  20. Another size bro trying to make the same point over and over it and trying to find a way to say the same thing for the millionth time and word it differently.
  21. Does that factor in the fact that Stroud had the best receivers in college football the past couple years and is in a system specifically made to simplify things for the qb?
  22. It has been shown time and time again that Tepper doesnt make the football decisions and hasn't. People need to move on from this take as a scapegoat for every decision they dont like.
  23. Yea and they still arent like acl tears yet I don't think. Used to acl tears were bad bad news, now players return pretty much 100% of all their previous physical capabilities. Im not sure achilles are thar way just yet. Especially for such an undersized guy whose entire game was based on speed. CB is definitely high on the list. Evero's scheme relies on secondary. Thats where all your money is spent. The linebackers and dlineman are more plug and play in this system.
  24. I like the idea of it and its going to be more efficient i suppose but a lot more can go wrong on a 20 play drive than a 5 or 6 play drive. One or two negative plays can throw the whole drive off.
  25. The arm strength arguments are severely overrated. There were 8 completions of 60 air yards or more combined in the entire nfl last season. 4 of the 8 came from all time great qbs such as pj walker, ryan tannehill, sam howell, and the infamously strong armed Terry Bridgewater. Kyle Boller, Jamarcus Russell, all time strong arms as prospects. Let us also not forget that the potential future hall of gamer Baker Mayfield has the record for longest pass in the air in the NFL. Mahomes wasnt in the top 15 longest passes last year, but the panthers had two, PJ Walker #1 and Sammy D at 14.
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