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  1. Outlier and unicorn are two different things. He's an outlier, definitely not a unicorn.
  2. Unfortunately not. I was already thinking about this. Now they will just say that the organization Carr'd him. Even though he has been the exact same player since game 1.
  3. He did, even after they followed up and said is he starting next week, he didn't say yes, he just repeated Bryce is our qb. Also people saying this big change are again overrating interview speak. Coaches literally don't have to give us a real answer to anything in an interview. There is no way immediately after the game in a post game presser the coach is going to say, we are benching our starting qb. That's not when you make decisions like that nor when you say it.
  4. I don't think they would be calling Plummer up because they think he's better. I think they would be calling him up because Bryce’s time here is over.
  5. Because it's easy. It allows the 24/7 content machine that always has to have something to say that is modern day sports media, a chance to have a loud opinion that everyone can rally behind (panthers being a joke) without them having to actually watch any tape or anything. It's low hanging fruit.
  6. I think the Panthers pray that doesn't happen. If it does i honestly think they call up Plummer or bring someone else in, but they know the media storm that will cause so they hope Dalton stays healthy so they can keep saying Young is #2.
  7. Yea i keep seeing all these people who have never watched a panthers game bashing the offense as a whole and talking about how bad the oline has been so Bryce doesn't have a chance. Basically by all metrics so far this season the pass blocking of the oline has been at worst above average.
  8. What flashes from Bryce did you see to make you see any possible chance of him becoming an average qb?
  9. I think it is clear from the minute the decision was made that his time here was done. That's why this was such a big decision. If they were planning on this being a temporary refresh they would have made up some sort of injury as they have done in the past with players. This wasn't made to be veiled in any way. They've just got to hope Dalton doesn't get hurt because it will create even more of a storm when they call up Plummer or someone if he does.
  10. Why couldn't beat reporters say that tepper played a big impact on the decision? I'm fairly certain they could say that. Almost all the best writers I've seen (that aren't upset by the decision) have downplayed teppers involvement. The people pushing it are national talking heads for content.
  11. Is that what happened or is that what you think happened that you're declaring as fact? Those are two totally different things. Also I think the owner would be in the conversation to some degree or another on this decision on any team in the league. I get people want to blame Tepper for literally everything, but declaring things as facts doesn't make it so.
  12. The locker room was turning on him. Canales preaches this is about the team. Every player is 1 of 11 on offense and 1 of 11 on defense. If he kept trotting the kid who clearly can't handle the NFL out there, then that is a slap in the face to every other player out there and every other player would lose faith in Canales and what he says. It's really not that complicated. Bryce constantly makes the same mistakes and he's never improved in the slightest.
  13. There is no right or wrong way. Sitting for a year or two has worked, and not worked. Starting immediately has worked and not worked. Sometimes it makes a difference, sometimes I think the qb was going to eventually be good or bad regardless and all this overthinking about the right or wrong way to do it had minimal impact either way.
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