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  1. Kyle Pitts would be great for us but at 8 it’s more than a luxury pick. Trading down and still getting him around 15 would be great but almost impossible.
  2. Moving up is only worth it if we give up next to nothing or far off future picks 2 years plus. If not Tb for one more year before his contract is easily voidable is the best option.
  3. Trading down is the best option unless we are in love with one of the top WR (which I doubt) Kyle Pitts (my draft crush) or Rashawn Slater who is honestly probably the best choice at 8. If we trade down a future first and late day 3 pick could be had and hopefully we would be in play for Pitts still or Christian Darrisaw. Honestly speaking the draft could go in so many directions I just don’t want to be in a position where we press for a QB and regret it later. There will be QBs in other drafts or Free Agency, let Teddy play out the rest of his contract this year and be cheaper to let go of next.
  4. Kyle Fuller would be great and hopefully we at least call to see how much he’d cost. There are a good amount of FA CBS left so another addition would help significantly.
  5. People who take PFF seriously blow me. Their rankings are for the most part a crapshoot. The OL we signed are rotational/depth pieces that have experience. So of course they will get decent deals. These guys will start if they prove themselves if not whoever we draft or pick up will. This positional group was terrible last year, at least acknowledging the need for depth this soon is a great sign we are investing heavily on offense this year.
  6. Smh I knew a lot of what was said in this thread didn’t sound right.
  7. https://www.cordcuttersnews.com/nfl-expands-digital-distribution-says-sunday-ticket-will-stay-with-directv/
  8. To think this is with the quality of QB we have had the past few years. This is why I feel he is another integral piece of building this offense.
  9. He was no where near 100% against the chiefs and almost single handledly won us that game.
  10. They could but why would they. Why would we want to seem desperate. Players see moves that teams make. They make assumptions of franchises based on numerous scenarios. Adding desperation to our history of inconsistency and bad player management does not bode well for incoming free agents. Ijs.
  11. Y’all keep neglecting the fact that CMC would’ve been MVP the previous year if the Panthers would’ve fielded a competent team, not LaScramble Jackson. Who ironically had a worse overall statistical season this year than your whipping boy Teddy B.
  12. Why do people keep adding in CMC into this hypothetical nonsense. His cap hit clearly tells you he is not an option to trade. Unless you think the Panthers are willing to pay him 20 million not to be on our team just ot take on Watsons huge contract. Burns, Chinn, Brown, CMC and DJ should be the core. Everyone else is replaceable. These guys have proven to be what we need to see consistently in the Carolinas.
  13. Completely agree they are self absorbed and void of any type of realization of real life. I’m in my 30s and remember being his age seeing a kid get the poo knocked out of him for even looking at an elder disrespectfully. I miss those days.
  14. I see my point didn’t get across to the narrow minded, so let me reiterate. I used this graphic to illustrate that even the most mediocre of QB can look proficient with a clean pocket. This franchise hasn’t seen true effort to build a stable efficient OL. Now is the time. Luck is the best recent example outside of Cam for a generational talent being wasted because of blatant negligence. If we want to believe this regime is any less oblivious than the last will be the next step towards sustained success and that is investing HEAVILY into the OL. They went all out in defense since it was the weakest link in the team. This year we have 1 I repeat 1 starter from last years line on contract. This year we should see significant draft capital used on the line. A decent amount of free agents brought in and Moton hopefully resigned or tagged. This is the next step necessary to build a perennial winner. A QB at this point is a luxury with all the needs we have. If we get “our guy” great if not do what’s proven to set up future success. That is all.
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