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  1. As someone who is a fan of both teams and was at that game last night, the fan base absolutely is. It doesnt matter how desperate the Bengals are next week, that defense cant stop anything. Bryce might have success against it.
  2. The refs are a real issue in the NFL. They NEED to be addressed
  3. Why do I still watch this dumpster fire? It sucks being so loyal to this God forsaken team.....
  4. Was sitting here yelling about sanders being in over Hubbard. Knew it would be a stupid play.
  5. Collinsworth is so hard to listen to lom
  6. Honestly might be done with this team until Tepper grows a pair.
  7. At what point does this team become unacceptable?
  8. I guess Tepper is okay with this garbage? We were better with Rhule......
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