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  1. I'd assume ATL is trying to drive up the price for Carolina
  2. This team is pretty special. Slavin won it a few years back, and now Aho takes the crown.
  3. Finally! Pretty exciting for the state. No idea on the opponent yet but this is a big deal.
  4. He'll be back. Either TV will be the first stop or he will find the best coaching place to go. Just further proof that the Saints are a mess and about to enter a rebuild. Tampa and Atlanta will be there pretty soon. We kind of have a head start on them...if we do it right.
  5. IMO, rather get some good O-Line help and let the next coach help in selecting a QB.
  6. As long as they can properly scout, evaluate and groom offensive linemen, I'll be happy. If the o-line continues to suck, this team is never improving.
  7. that would certainly be interesting...ben macadoo interim head coach is not something i want to experience however
  8. An amazing talent. Sad day for the Panthers and their brand efforts as Amie really was a heart and soul for the team, but awesome for her family.
  9. The Canes team has a ton of potential and could contend for a cup. Hopefully that gets the attention of Charlotte so the fandom can grow.
  10. With the reinforcements back, this defense is good enough to carry the team a bit more. Darnold has to be better, but the defense has serious potential.
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