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Everything posted by Catsfan69

  1. This whole regime is awful. That was a terrible 2nd and 3rd round.
  2. ABC went to commercial before announcing and then just said a blurb after the commercial. ABC and ESPN are not synchronized. Please don't spoil picks brothers and sisters. I don't have cable.
  3. Commercial!!!! Motherphucker every single pick!!!
  4. He's 5'8 185 Steve was 5'9 190 The guy benches 400 squats 600 runs a 4.3 and breaks tackles. That looks like 89.
  5. This stupid band is unnecessary. Get to the phucking picks!!!
  6. He lit up the Steelers for a playoff win.
  7. That's because one is the Baby GOAT and the other is Baby WOAT!
  8. It seems like every year every pick we get a commercial. In the later rounds they never analyze our picks.
  9. What's the percentage chance that ESPN goes to commercial right before our pick?
  10. Of course if we hold on to the ball and eat up clock then the other team doesn't get as many possessions or time to score while simultaneously protecting our weak DBs. So it goes both ways. We need to control clock and get off the field on D simultaneously.
  11. Levon Kirkland played around 270 at a stud level ILB for the Steelers
  12. Recievers are easy to find. Franchise LTs are not.
  13. Get Chinn out of LB. He's a safety. It's where he belongs.
  14. Why are you automatically putting us in a 3-4? Has that been officially released and I missed it? Honestly wish we would build a 4-3. I absolutely hate that 3-3-5 abomination.
  15. Wow Marty stayed very composed. No yelling or cussing and asked his people if they were alright.
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