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Everything posted by Catsfan69

  1. Until he has some kind of collapse I'm going to ride that train. The Superbowl Train
  2. You know he has been getting us in scoring position every game. If he throws us to the 10. And we run it in from there that's awesome.
  3. You are just wrong. If Sam continues this upward trajectory with zero weapons you can feel good about him. And that would be the only way I would be ok with a gamble like Richardson.
  4. He's more than a game manager. Game managers are physically limited. Sam isn't
  5. To quote old school Hornets Say we BEElieve we BEElieve that Sam is back!
  6. Gotta get horny man. Gotta get horny!!!!
  7. Horn will be back. We just have to survive tomorrow. Yes we will run all over them tomorrow SAM goes for another 269 and 2 tds and puts 35 on the board. We play zone and Batman does just enough. If we win the division we are 6-2 down the stretch. That's better than 500 ball. Sam would be 5-1. We can beat choking ass Dallas
  8. Not if we win the whole phucking thing
  9. Do not trade up under any circumstance. It's too costly.
  10. Yesssssssss. He sucks but he's a cocky Dawg!!!!!
  11. Let's go Bennett I know you suck but the peace loving free world needs you!
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