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Everything posted by Catsfan69

  1. The man has almost 20,000 all purpose yards. If that doesn't get you in then the fact that you threw 9 Tampa Bucs off your back like some Marvel character and score does.
  2. I think he's too old and too expensive. If we were going into year 3 with a legit franchise QB and making a real run at a SB it would make sense. But we are minimum 3 to 5 years away from being a real contender.
  3. Romo was a choke artist the likes of Colin Montgomerie. Like Monty great in the regular events but wilts on the biggest stage.
  4. You think so? Man I've got him like 13th. Not much confidence in him. Another Romo.
  5. As long as Brady is knocking down Superbowls he has to stay in top 5. You think Dak is better than Watson?
  6. Yeah but stats don't equal wins. Lots of empty stats out there. How is he situationally? I just don't get the clutch "it" from him. I don't fear him. I fear those other guys but not him. Plus this injury? Can he be the same?
  7. How good is he though. He's not a top 5 qb. Where do you rank him? 1. Mahomes 2. Rodgers 3. Wilson 4. Watson 5. Brady 6. Big Ben Through last year I probably have Rivers, Stafford, Breese, Allen,Ryan All ahead of him in no particular order with Herbert closing fast. Do you think he can win a Superbowl or is he just Romo 2.0?
  8. What you guys in The Draft Sewell/Address Other Needs Crew fail to understand is this. If we address other needs we will start winning 7 to 10 games a year and will never be able to cheaply ( FA or trading firsts to move up) get a QB. People are so short sighted. This was the year to suck. One year rip the band aid off and move on. But no Rhules phucking ego clouds his vision. He thinks it's college and he can build a program and recruit a stud QB. Well when you do that in the NFL you have to mortgage the future with losing draft picks or salary cap or both.
  9. This sucks if true. We don't get good Panthers coverage in Raleigh I listen to those guys on my phone.
  10. He's an OC that doesn't actually run the offense. That's what hurts his chances.
  11. You never let up at the goal line.
  12. Is there any dumber concept than Queen Latifah as the Equalizer? Are we supposed to believe some fat fiftysomething woman is going to walk around beating the hell out of men?
  13. He shouldn't have let up at the end.
  14. That's why you need a good backup. You shouldn't get to hold the ball till the last second and be protected. You don't want to get hit go down or throw it away earlier.
  15. They have to take skirts off the QBs. I hate the ridiculous protections.
  16. I'm 51 and white. How have you not heard The Weekend?
  17. I don't drink. I don't do drugs but I still like a cold beer taste a few times a year. I love Sharps. It's just a non alcoholic Miller Lite.
  18. And the slowest man on the planet scores
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