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Everything posted by Catsfan69

  1. No that's not how it goes I want to see 50 yards in the air in a game from Mac Jones for the receivers hit in stride and doesn't have to slow down at all at all show me one..
  2. Show me one good in game 50yd bomb where the reciever doesn't have to slow down. Hint there aren't any.
  3. Phuck Jones. They need to be there for 7 rounds worth of players.
  4. Lord I meant to hit beer and hit eggplant bouncing in this uhaul. This wrong subject to make that mistake.
  5. I don't want Tua at all for any reason. I'd rather lose next year and get Howell or Rattler.
  6. How would someone wanting to set up Watson be able to find 22 women that were money hungry that had actually met with Watson? It's not like they could run a TV ad like the mesothelioma ads to find plaintiffs. So how exactly would Buzbee orchestrate this? I'm not saying Watson is guilty or innocent. I just want you to defend and explain your hypothesis.
  7. That's BS. The Saints get away with murder better than Kim Jong-un.
  8. Or if you didn't like that scheme and want it tighter. TE cuts the 5 technique Moton seals sam. Guard turns zeros shoulder and seals Mike backside g seals W
  9. Took me 2 seconds. Cmac would go to the house against this.
  10. It doesn't matter if the QB is confused. You run it for 5 yrs a pop thu A gap on that trash D.
  11. Will work about as well as me hitting on Margot Robbie with an adult diaper full of schit. We will get run on up the gut like crazy.
  12. There's no need to lock threads. Let the discussion run. It's just talking.
  13. It's quite common for athletes to get massages and mobility work. What I find unusual is that he brought in people from outside the organization. Why wouldn't he use the training room and team trainers?
  14. Hooking up with women is nothing and nobody would care. Joe Namath ran thru Manhattan like a machine.
  15. No I got your point fine. As always you are trying to interject race into the discussion. You do it in every single thread you post in.
  16. Or better yet just use a guy to do it. They are stronger and can get deeper into the tissue. No way in hell would I hire a woman in his situation.
  17. Christ on a cracker having a pregnant woman murdered is a way bigger story than Watson or Wheeler.
  18. Lol none of them can do it. There's a reason colleges save a scholarship for long snappers and NFL teams save a roster spot. It's not easy.
  19. Can't cut JJ who would snap? Plus he makes nothing.
  20. My God you are tiring. There's two legitimate reasons why someone wouldn't want Watson. How can these people be racist and love Burns or Smith or Lathon or Maxie or any other Black player we've ever had. You understand that makes no sense right? Couldn't someone be just unsatisfied with Cam's play at the time? I'd love to have Watson at the right price. I'd love to have Lance Fields or Wilson too.
  21. That doesn't help us with either 5 technique or Will. So rotational.
  22. Guy just seems like a more expensive Obada tho. 5.5 sacks to 6 2 mil to 4 mil.
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