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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. I’ve noticed the same thing I said during training camp he just looked out of it. I really think he is leaving probably after this year.
  2. So I’m guessing there’s no oline man out there at all? Smokescreen get all these wrs and they think u going to throw it and then we run it 50 times in a game. Yeah right!
  3. Yeah as special as Tepper has made this team the last four years. I mean u really think it’s all chocolates and roses don’t you lol.
  4. No he is leaving he knows he sucks just like Brady. Bye to both of them
  5. Rhule is done and we’re not even done with year two. We’re getting worse, sorry but can’t agree with you there.
  6. So he did ok for one week out of 7 but he can do it LMAO. I think we got bamboozled by Rhule. WTF did his wife put in those meatballs?
  7. Lol I guess they haven’t told him yet or he hasn’t seen all the media buzz.
  8. Hey NFL voted for his ass, thank them they always screw us over.
  9. Oh no don’t jump on the Debbie Downer train, u can’t do that!
  10. But why win, hell might as well take CMC out for another year and trade him?
  11. Damn how does this guy have a job, I think his stupidity wears off on this team!
  12. I feel bad for Gilmore lol he can to u defeated team and now we haven’t won since we signed him. I don’t think he even plays for us. Rhule already said he didn’t think he was ready lol. I mean I don’t know what is going on with this team.
  13. I really think Panthers were very interested, they put out all to the media. Then when people did all the polls and they seen all the negativity they was like we out. Tepper was scared he would lose money, and soccer team. He don’t have brass balls anymore, he has dried up raisins!
  14. Yeah I hadn’t commented on anything but now you have lost your mind, he’s finished.
  15. Lol we won’t win anymore games. This team has given up!
  16. It’s weird because Florio just said this morning we had a great chance. Why would we put in an offer if we know he didn’t want to come here. Oh well
  17. I guess we can start Rodgers to Carolina topics next. Lol
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