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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. That’s fugging tarholes for ya, ask him how many national championships they have. This is a football forum screw basketball go somewhere else with that sh&t. I mean he probably thinks Howell with be next Brady, when he looks closer to being Johnny Manziel.
  2. Damn is he gonna get signed by every team this year lol.
  3. Just more excuses. Tepper has no balls!
  4. They don’t say anymore just like everything else being changed. Tepper is running this organization in the ground, and building a stupid place in Rock Hill that nobody cares about.
  5. I’ve noticed they actually haven’t been saying anything about this is the 100 straight sold out game. Are we not selling out anymore?
  6. But Rhule said we’re a defensive team and should do better. Shut the fug up Rhule, the defense gets tired after trying to stop a team for 40 minutes out of 60.
  7. Yeah he said this could be a couple year process, trust the process. Guess what that didn’t work, drafting a qb means 3-4 more years maybe, not going to work for me.
  8. Pats fans where cheering that we kept Darnold in, I heard that more than Darnold boos.
  9. Yeah that happened after third quarter int returned for td. I mean I had this pats fan in front of me every time he threw in interception, he’s seeing ghosts.
  10. The line gave up one sack yesterday and he had time when he threw the interceptions. He is scared in the pocket that’s why he rolls out and then he definitely can’t pass once he runs to side. This falls on him not line I’m sorry he sucks.
  11. Couldn’t tell they coddled him u know.
  12. Nobody is going to cheer for a sh@tty team, look at the product put on the field. Also they would throw it up on the screen 5 or 6 times a game. It’s once before game even starts, whoever runs all that is terrible.
  13. They don’t just like PJ, but Rhule is here. He is the problem!
  14. I’ve been to all the games this year and it’s only played at beginning of game. Nobody even does it anymore, hell they rather yell that stupid sh@t let’s go Brandon. I’m so tired of that crap. Anyway thanks Tepper for taking away a part of history for our team. I mean we didn’t have much to begin with, this team going to sh@t.
  15. Lol Darnold is not our qb next year. He will either be backup or gone. No way in hell he is starting.
  16. Fug that it ain’t their fault they got crappy people given to them!
  17. Good. I was just fixing to post we need to hear some answers today or sometime this week. This is not a rebuild, hell idk what to even call it. Maybe Rhule says I’m done and goes back to college. I wasn’t happy he was the one we hired anyway. Idk when we going to get away from the Hurney curse!
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