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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Now that might be dumbest thing I’ve read today, Glazer really made that up!
  2. Lol those names mentioned in report aren’t rockstars. So he should be fired tomorrow right?
  3. Good for him I’m against it too, these owners want a new stadium, they pay for it.
  4. PSLs will be thing of the past when he builds he sorry new stadium. Nothing is wrong with the one we got, but just cause he has billions. If I was city I would make him pay for it all or leave. That would be funny after building his stupid little practice facility in SC, that is having trouble getting paid for as well. PS- Fore go get my ball bitch!
  5. Maybe Fhule sees this and says damn I want out. Please get pissed and leave Fhule!
  6. Have you tried minding ur own damn business. Nobody asked u, ur not paying for my tickets or buying all the stuff I purchase with Panthers on it. Until u start paying my bills maybe u should just zip it!
  7. Fhule sucks, and your on that list right now with the stupid Fhule threads! I got a prediction how bout u shut it!
  8. I’m telling Fhule we are bringing in a coordinator no matter who he wants, he don’t like it he can leave. I hope that’s how it goes
  9. Hell I think he is right there near worst owner so far
  10. Lol as many people that talked crap about him, now everyone wants him as OC. No thanks
  11. Don’t know why u worried about Wilson or Watson coming here lol. They ain’t coming here, just wait Fhule will screw it up we just have to wait another year. It isn’t like this team is ready for a SB
  12. How we don’t have a 2nd this year. They ain’t giving up all the future draft picks when they don’t know Fhules future coaching status.
  13. Why do u say Jimmy G so much. We can’t afford another qb like that, it will be someone like Trubisky or someone cheap.
  14. Might as well get use to it, hell it’s fixing to get worse. It won’t be mediocrity, it’s fixing to get real bad. Hope you like soccer, that’s all Tepper is worried about.
  15. They won’t find nobody he will be starting next year and we’ll have some crappy backup plus PJ. Panther fans need to get ready for maybe a 2-3 win season next year.
  16. We can’t trade CMC people, Panthers started this report to take heat off of Matt Fhule.
  17. He can’t come here unless he says yes, so it’s not like we can make the trade without him saying yes! JS
  18. Get better from last year after having a year under his belt. You can’t blame Covid because everyone deals with that, CMC was hurt year before and they won 5 games, Horn wasn’t here year before so can’t blame nothing there. So why didn’t we win more games in year two when u should be getting better. I will tell you why we got Fhuled by this garbage salesman!
  19. Yeah I think Wilson would be a lot cheaper. But neither will want to come here, Tepper is going to have a hard time fielding a competitive team with Fhule as coach. We won’t get any good FAs because no one wants to come here that’s including new coaches. Which is why I don’t understand why u keep him just to say hey I can fire him at anytime next year. What is that saying to ur fans, which I think Tepper could care less for. He is more worried about his little soccer fans.
  20. Wilson said he isn’t thinking about leaving, and with so many teams needing qbs now don’t see us getting Watson. Plus salary cap is going up and will how more teams into the mix. Hell we can’t get rid of Sam so we stuck with him being a backup for 18 mil, I mean what does Joe really think we can do. I don’t see anything changing imo
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