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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Who is Panthers nation, are they legit?
  2. Lol maybe u should learn to catch ball, but guess what ur stuck on our team with that extension. Kinda funny sideshow bob!
  3. Who looks like they’re supporting them lol, haven’t u seen all these threads. Damn do they just let any moron on this site?
  4. I mean I agree but it’s time to face it we stuck with Fhule. Only thing is fans can do is not show up to the games, I could really care less if he takes the team somewhere else we suck anyway. I told people that’s what he had in mind
  5. Bengals, Bills, Steelers 49ers, Bucs, Rams Steelers Bills Packers Rams Packers Bills Packers SB champs Don’t want it to happen but we probably need Brady to win SB so he will leave. I think he would retire if he wins this one.
  6. He’s not coming here, he’s trying to get HC job. U think he’s going to come here and make his stock plummet with this oline and qb. Not happening
  7. Did anyone see the clip where Mark Sanchez was talking to Colin Cowherd yesterday? Mark said he let Rivera go and fired Fhule? I don’t know if he meant he should or let something slip. I get tired of not hearing anything this sucks!
  8. Probably means they will let OC make those choices when they are hired. Hopefully they took all of Fhules authority away!
  9. Exactly he acted like he couldn’t take it that well, and can’t take his kids to Hornets games? Like damn I better other NFL coaches could handle that pressure, he can’t!
  10. We can’t lose both if Reddick doesn’t resign we keeping Burns. You can’t lose both starting DE, we already have enough holes to fill.
  11. Well looks like the rockstar thing was over blown by Glazer, so I would say he’s here to stay. I think we’ve went to long to think he would be fired. All these guys getting interviews already too, already to far behind. Looks like Fhule for 2022
  12. I listened to Kyle Bailey talk after he had Fitterer on the show yesterday. Fitterer said they have to set the edges better next year to stop the run, and they need bigger guys. So he said he thinks one will be gone, it sounded from Kyle and the other guy talking they would keep Reddick. They was saying how Burns always gets to far up the field and whiffs on a lot of tackles. I agree I would resign Reddick and see what I could get for Burns. I don’t see how he made pro bowl over Reddick honestly. What do y’all think?
  13. Your dumb if u don’t think he crap on Slater, everyone in the media said it as well. Dude you’re a joke!
  14. It doesn’t matter anymore it’s because over, Fhule is getting another year. No use in complaining no more, Tepper don’t give a poo. So us fans shouldn’t give a poo and not attend his games. Let him lose some money and hopefully we don’t get no new stadium either. No use in wasting our time anymore
  15. Heck no. He ain’t leaving a chance at coaching Patriots down the road for that team lol.
  16. Yeah I posted in another thread. Damn it’s getting worse which I knew it would, nobody wants to come here.
  17. I was sitting there in shock when I was listening and he said that. I just want to know what he has on Tepper, does anyone know he has a clause in his contract that says he can’t be fired till after year 3. I’m just not understanding how he is still employed!
  18. Damn it just keep getting worse. People were saying he was terrible and now he has Taylor who is a beast by himself.
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