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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. No you just join the other moron that thinks we can just keep trotting Teddy out there. Don’t matter y’all will be gone once we sign Watson.
  2. Rivera was garbage, Cam made him and you can’t tell me no different. Dude you need to go on you know nothing.
  3. So be it, who gives a fug a 25 yr old franchise qb not in his prime we have some money and picks still to work on oline. Gimme a break if salary cap was such an issue Saints wouldn’t have Brees, Thomas, Kamara, etc. Y’all need to learn this isn’t the old nfl.
  4. He is coming here. insert It’s Happening gif
  5. Lol yeah it didn’t work for him on 4th and 7 when he threw it for 2 yards. That play right there just pissed me off, I was done with his ass after that. Anybody trying to take up for ass don’t watch a damn thing.
  6. Exactly it wasn’t all on the oline, he made some terrible mistakes at critical times. I won’t forget he had plenty of time and threw the ball for 2 yds on 4th and 7 won’t never forget that. Would y’all like to some videos of that, got a bunch?
  7. I’m sure someone wants to fake being Teddy Garbage Water LMAO. I’ve heard it all now!
  8. Yeah talking about someone not using right comprehension LMAO, that’s twice for you. Dood
  9. I’m not saying anything towards Voth but Scot is so negative, nothing ever good. Just I’ve tried to change my attitude from old and he keeps this crap up.
  10. @Mr. ScotDo you like to come on every thread and try to piss people off? I mean it gets really old!
  11. I don’t really care at least we are trying something new. Something we haven’t tried since this team’s existence. Let’s sit back and enjoy it for once
  12. I would take either. If Cowboys tag Prescott we would only have to give up two firsts right?
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