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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. I’m sorry I miss the old Cam but he will never be that again. Hey he still can do the ground game but his arm does not look the same. I mean it’s no different then why we all want Bridgewater gone.
  2. I tried to post it but it wouldn’t let me lol. I said the same thing, sign me up. It’s crazy how we are mostly the team that is involved in these trades for Watson, their has to be some fire behind this smoke. JS
  3. Because we are not the Texans have u seen these issues they’ve had?
  4. Oh yeah we all knew Houston would be changing their tune. Tepper is going to do anything to get him. Not saying I’m happy with giving up a lot but damn to draft anything but Lawrence this year to me is an unknown. So if ur giving up a lot to move up for an unknown why not give up more for a sure thing. Tepper is a smart business person and knows this!
  5. When Watson isn’t qb for Texans this year you have to leave the huddle
  6. I mean how do we compete with that if they are offering that? How can we offer a QB?
  7. So now Watson to Arizona rumors. Hmmmmm Trade Murray and maybe a pick then they become the Arizona Texans?
  8. Who cares? Hell I would try to sign damn Fitzmagic before rolling with Teddy two yards
  9. Yeah what’s funny is that report about 49ers trading for Teddy he tweeted about that weeks ago and now everyone says they have sources. Who knows anymore lol
  10. They want him for a backup because Jimmy’s injury history
  11. Houston won’t do it either. It’s happening gif!
  12. Something you need to try sometime, so you can learn to relax and enjoy the moment like most people do on here right now. Exciting times for Panthers fans
  13. Who cares if he is starter or backup. Trade isn’t done yet?
  14. You don’t know anything, so just STFU
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