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Everything posted by BurnNChinn

  1. Damn I wanted Autry he is a sneaky good player and grew up here in Stanly County. Surprised he didn’t take deal to get close to home
  2. Yeah I’m thinking WFT or Giants. Funny it’s teams with Panther ties
  3. Heard good chance Samuel is signed today, idk we shall see.
  4. Wow we could be rolling with Fitz for half of Teddy’s pay let that sink in. Looks like we are stuck with Teddy garbage water
  5. He is actually good and from my hometown in NC. 7 mil a year not bad would have loved that pickup.
  6. Well there goes another spot Teddy won’t get traded too, looking like we would have to cut him or keep him. Yikes off-season not looking to swell right now
  7. Dude they have been showing that for over a month now lol. Yeah don’t believe anything from them
  8. Robbie Anderson looked good I don’t want to lose him
  9. Yeah and have about 10 holes left on our team lol.
  10. No it don’t has no influence at all, ur ridiculous dude just shut it.
  11. How do Rams and Saints do this poo I really don’t get it?
  12. WTH is going on, I mean Kerr looked good. Like these moves look pretty dumb right now.
  13. Hey I’m guess him and Teddy are gone? Idk people tell me it doesn’t matter when they unfollow or remove stuff from Twitter.
  14. I wouldn’t want to put him behind that oline and he probably is thinking same. Idk just thinking out loud lol
  15. Yeah I think I’m giving up on Watson now lol
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